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(Michael Anderson,1956)

Director: Michael Anderson
Writers: George Orwell (novel), William Templeton (screenplay)
Cast: Edmond O'Brien, Michael Redgrave, Jan Sterling
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

A loose adaptation of George Orwell's novel about a futuristic totalitarian government in which a man, whose job is rewriting history, risk forbidden love with a woman and decides to join a revolution.

After watching the powerful 1984 made in 1984, I expected this earlier 1956 movie version of the classic sci-fi novel by George Orwell to be silly. But it wasn't. The movie's ending is not in line with the novel, but the film still does a lot right and is worth watching. In a way this earlier version made the vision that Orwell had clearer in my head, than the 1984 version of this story.

Edmond O'Brien is perfectly cast as the 'clog in the wheel' Winston Smith who want's to make a difference by joining a very risky revolution against the totalitarian government. I found his character to be accessible and so I could relate to this very fictional story of a time in the future when people are utterly controlled by the media through the government. Hmmm, I could see this actually coming to fruition.

Jan Sterling is the girl who temps him with her love. She was OK her, but I have enjoyed her performances more in the film noirs that she was so well suited for. But on the other hand that deadly allure works for her here too.

This is actually the third of four times Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four was put to film. The first version was a made for American TV in 1953. Followed by a British TV movie on BBC in 1954. Then this Hollywood movie version in 1956...followed by the most renown version with John Hurt in 1984...Oh there's also a musical version, I kid you not! made for American TV in 2006.