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Breakfast with Curtis

Director: Laura Colella

Before I started this movie, I had already mostly made up my mind that I would not like it.
I had seen way too many hipster-indie movies lately - most involving either a moped, a unicorn, rainbows, lots of great big, bushy beards, go kart helmets, thick black rimmed glasses and ukulele/glockenspiel music scores all sounding like everyone with a half a mil was investing their money into aping Wes Anderson's Rushmore (which is a terrific, highly original film). I also had reservations about a possible "Napolean Dynamite" vibe that was not welcome in my head at that moment because I had felt that movie ran its course years ago.

Nevertheless, I started the movie. Within about 5-7 minutes, I was already worried at what I was seeing. A hippie commune, is it? I have nothing against hippies, it's just that I generally don't like them very much. They strike me as hypocritical extremists who use a gentle front to be aggressive and s.h.i.t.t.y. Then again, I'm not a hard nosed war monger. I had just been through the ringer with hippies already in my life and didn't want to spend the next 2 hrs watching them pretend to be on a higher artistic and spiritual plane while they spit venom about anyone with a different point of view..

But none of that happened. I was wrong. I can relax now. Man am I uptight!

Yes, it's about hippies. But it's awesome. It's funny, fiendish, very offbeat, not pretentious in a way that will make you ill. It's straight forward and the acting doesn't even exist.

This is a documentary fiction film. Everyone's performance is so naturalistic, you'd swear that they weren't even aware of a camera at all.

I won't spoil the plot, but be prepared for a very cool movie. I don't know how to describe it. I don't think I want to describe it. It's just a good movie that makes you feel good in a non conventional way.

"Breakfast with Curtis" is funny and interesting all the way through. It earns its stripes to stand head and shoulders above the many clone hipster indy flicks out there. It doesn't trick you and throw you into a disturbing place to try and be edgy or profound. You're safe with this film. I can call this a film, even though it was shot on a Canon high end digital system. This is a film. There should be more like it. Laura Collela, the director, deserves more budget and more time off from work. She made a great picture. Truly great.