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World War Z (2013)
Director: Marc Forster
Cast: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos
Genre: Action, Sci Fi-Horror
Length:116 minutes

An unknown pathogen is causing a world wide pandemic that's spreading like wild fire. Those who are effected, within seconds become murderous, mindless zombie like killers. Entire armies and even countries start to fall like dominions. Humanity itself is on the verge of being wiped out...A former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is pressed into service to investigate the deadly diseases before it's too late.

Zombies are not my kind of movie!...But I liked it anyway!...The zombies are people infected with a rabies like virus that causes them to go berserk, biting humans, turning them into zekes. The movie works because it strikes a balance between horror, action and sci fi. Rated PG-13 World War Z is surprisingly not gratuitously graphic, it works by a sheer race against time and high intensity action, with a healthy dose of suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Brad Pitt is excellent here, never over the top, playing it like a regular guy would do if faced with a city fall of zombies....I should say I liked the way the zombies moved and the sounds they made, it was like they were alive but no longer human, the effect was chilling.

World War Z: is fun, exciting, well done and it succeeds to do what it aims to do, thrill the audiences.