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The Bourne Ultimatum

#48 - The Bourne Ultimatum
Paul Greengrass, 2007

Following on from the events of The Bourne Supremacy, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is still trying to uncover the truth by any means necessary.

Even after being extremely unimpressed by The Bourne Supremacy, I still had some high expectations for this film, which was supposedly the best in the series (or at least it was good enough to end up on the IMDb Top 250 - while I know the Top 250 is not to be trusted, I figured that should be enough to at least encourage me to give it a shot). Unfortunately it's possible that raising my expectations meant I still wouldn't get a decent film-watching experience out of the whole thing, but whatever, let's see how it goes.

So yeah, it's basically the same plot as the last couple of movies. Bourne is traveling all over the place trying to figure out his identity and his history, frequently getting into pursuits and battles along the way. Much like its predecessor, there's a very jagged feel to much of the action as cameras jitter and edits happen faster than you can blink. The same goes for the scenes that don't have action but are still no less intense. It helps that there's slightly more of a plot to this one, at least. Still not enough to truly endear me to this series but I'll take what I can get. The odds of me watching any of these films again is minimal, though I figure this one's gotten enough acclaim that I will probably try again at some later date. It definitely won't be soon, though.