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Team America: World Police


Team America: World Police: 2004 (R) -10
USA / Paramount
77% (CF)

One my favorite kinds of comedies is satire. And there are no better modern day satirists then the guys who do South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. I have been a fan of their work ever since I saw my first episode of South Park, which was either Scuzzlebutt or the very first episode with The Visitors. And there is something about a bunch of foul mouthed elementary school kids that get into all kinds of wacky adventures that really appealed to me as a middle school student. Probably the vast amounts of very inappropriate humor. Either way after the success of their cinematic version of South Park, their next feature project was Team America: World Police, a satire on the War on Terror. Saw it in the theater when I was living in Tallahassee, AND IT WAS HILARIOUS!

This movie had all their raw humor plus extremely clever writing and analogies that only they can make, plus the very unique decision to do it all with puppets makes this a VERY memorable movie. And as I said before, the quickest way a movie can endear itself to me is to make me laugh and laugh hard. This movie did plenty of that! I remember sitting in the theater and in the row in front of me were two old ladies. I half expected these women to storm out of the theater in disgust (especially after the puppet sex scene). But instead they howled in laughter as much as I did! And the presentation of various overly righteous liberal Hollywood celebrities as bad guys was extremely unique and funny! And not really done much too since a lot of these celebrities have no sense of humor. Especially Sean Penn who was very upset at his portrayal in the film. Needless to say these guys have balls, and they continue to deliver the funny with their own brand of humor.