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El Dorado
John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Caan, Charlene Holt View AllCrew
Leigh Brackett (Screenplay), Howard Hawks (Director) View AllRelease: Jun. 7th, 1967
Runtime: 2 hours
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Reviewed by
There are some tonal issues where the film goes almost full "slapstick" during a confrontation between Thornton and Harrah, and there are also some bits and pieces that haven't aged that well (Mississippi slapping a woman and threatening to hit her again only to end up in love later), but for the mo....
There are some tonal issues where the film goes almost full "slapstick" during a confrontation between Thornton and Harrah, and there are also some bits and pieces that haven't aged that well (Mississippi slapping a woman and threatening to hit her again only to end up in love later), but for the mo....