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Another Year


Jim Broadbent, Ruth Sheen, Lesley Manville, Oliver Maltman View All


Mike Leigh (Director), Mike Leigh (Writer) View All

Release: Nov. 5th, 2010
Runtime: 2 hours, 9 minutes
Mike Leigh’s much praised 2010 tragicomical drama. During a year, a very content couple approaching retirement are visited by friends and family less happy with their lives.
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Reviewed by

Sexy Celebrity
We begin by meeting Mary where she works with Gerri and then, as the seasons go on, we realize that the whole movie is basically Mary, Mary, Mary.
Personally I found this by far the hardest of his films thus far to watch as the character Mary (played by the adorable Lesley Manville) is a little too close for comfort to that of a good friend of mine who was eventually sadly lost to this world at far too young an age - but that is to Leigh's cre....
thracian dawg
In Leigh's previous film "Happy-go-lucky", happiness was deliberately projected outwards (which apparently annoyed a lot of people---they thought it was completely false, no one could be that up beat) whereas in this film, the couple modestly project their happiness inwards into their happ....

