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Tatsuya Nakadai, Akira Terao, Jinpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryű View AllCrew
Akira Kurosawa (Screenplay), Akira Kurosawa (Director), Hideo Oguni (Screenplay), William Shakespeare (Writer) View AllRelease: Jun. 1st, 1985
Runtime: 2 hours, 42 minutes
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This time Kurosawa is trying to show the realistic part of battles, where it's not just a reckless and heroic charge, but one with countless back and forths, lasing, stabbing from behind, and the dreadful sound of gunfire and men helplessly falling off horses to their death.
This time Kurosawa is trying to show the realistic part of battles, where it's not just a reckless and heroic charge, but one with countless back and forths, lasing, stabbing from behind, and the dreadful sound of gunfire and men helplessly falling off horses to their death.
I suspect that Ran won't overtake Seven Samurai as my favourite Kurosawa, but it certainly comes closer than any of his other films as it goes for a whole other kind of epic and succeeds admirably.
I suspect that Ran won't overtake Seven Samurai as my favourite Kurosawa, but it certainly comes closer than any of his other films as it goes for a whole other kind of epic and succeeds admirably.
For some reason, I never got around to it, and when I started diving into Kurosawa films as an adult, some people suggested for me to start with "lighter" films and leave Ran for later.
For some reason, I never got around to it, and when I started diving into Kurosawa films as an adult, some people suggested for me to start with "lighter" films and leave Ran for later.