David Mamet


What do you guys think is the best David Mamet creation? I absoultely love his screenwriting. I'm a sucker for theatrics.

I voted for GlenGarry Glen Ross, even though I think House of Games is a great movie, as well as Wag the Dog.

I think the Untouchables sucks. It's kind of boring; Brian De Palma's done way, waaaaaay better; for that matter, so has Mamet. Ronin has a dope car chase scene, but otherwise is just decent flick. Spanish Prisoner is an excellent, excellent flick.
**** the Lakers!

You forgot the Winslow Boy! I know about that becuz Pigsnie took me to see jeremy northan. Also what was that movie with alec baldwin & the bear?
God save Freddie Mercury!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
de Palma's Untouchables must be the one i'm thinking of. Costner, Connery?? I can't seem to think of any other Untouchable movie at the moment. This one is a very good movie nonetheless
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

It's the same Untouchables. Mamet only wrote it. He's only actualy directed a handful of films, but they are all so dialogue-based that his movies are all really his, in my opinion. The movie with the bear? The Edge.

I had to choose only five specifics and I wanted some from more than just recent years, hence Winslow Boy becoming "other"

I just love Glengarry Glen Ross. It's is so well written, and all the performances are top notch.

I was just wondering why you mentioned Ronin but didn't vote for it.

Are you kidding? Jack Lemmon kicks thespian butt in GLENGARY GLEN ROSS. That's my pick. WAG THE DOG was cheeky, and magnificently clever and I was a pretty big fan of STATE AND MAIN the second time I watched it. I haven't seen RONIN or the UNTOUCHABLES, though.
'The penalty for bulls**t is bulls**t.' - Denis Johnson

Ima big fan of the mans style and dialogue.

My fave films of his as Director/Writer-

STATE & MAIN- 8/10
LAKEBOAT- 7.5/10

My fave as Writer only-

HOFFA- 8/10
RONIN- 9/10
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

My favorite is Sate & Main, that is sucha funny movie.
Make it happen!

It was beauty killed the beast.
Kong would probably go with Glengary Glen Ross.

In general, Kong likes Mamet, but sometimes he goes way overboard and ends up isolating Kong. This was the case with The Spanish Prisoner; a very popular film with such an absurd amount of twists (about 7 or 8 per second) that Kong just ending up saying, "**** this ****! I don't ****in' care anymore!".
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

I tend to like his plays much more than I like his films--although I do enjoy several of his films (the ones I've seen). Which isn't so odd when you consider the difference between staging a play and making a film. But, no matter how you slice it, the man is an amazing writer, and playwriting can be a tricky business.

Plus, Mamet was overusing the word "f*ck" before Quentin Tarantino had even gotten chin pubes. I do love the profanity.

Favorite Plays:

Oleanna - fabulous, creepy stuff. And the filmed version with William H. Macy is great.
The Cryptogram - it's just so odd, even though it seems like it should be the most "normal" of his plays.
American Buffalo - I just love it when he writes about the seediest people in Seedytown.
Sexual Perversity in Chicago - which was made into a terrible, terrible movie.

The films I've seen:

State and Main - I loved it. Too much fun.
Wag the Dog - ah, political commentary.
Ronin - neat.
House of Cards - not too impressed by this one.
Homicide - barely remember it, but I know it was good. It was too long ago, and I've slept since then.

I probably don't even deserve to be posting on this thread, as I still haven't seen the whole of Glengarry Glen Ross (or as Linda Richman says on SNL, "Glengarry Glenn Close")--it's been on my "to see" list for years and years, and I still haven't watched it all. I do like what I've seen, though, and I know I'll love it when I do see it.

So there.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."