Why was it moved?


Registered User
My thread of Battle of Blockbuster Movies and rate the movie poster battles were moved!!!!. Why I had put those 2 threads in this forum to make this one more active and i would get more replys. These 2 threads NEVER disturbed anyone. I dont know why they were moved, and WHY now?

Do you mind if I air my dirty laundry here in the supermarket? Why no, I think your skidmarked undies are lovely to look at.

And as far as your claim that they didn't disturb anybody, some of the other threads in this forum were kept up all hours with the loud music your upstart threads insisted on playing, with the bass turned all the way up. Geesh.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

the battle of the characters was moved also. nobody goes into the forum were it was moved
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

All right! Where the hell is Roscoe...and who moved him!?!?!?!
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

i know where they were moved but nobody goes into that sub forum. these battle threads were like the most poplular threads on the site. and now they are basicly dead.

Originally Posted by MichaelMyers
i know where they were moved but nobody goes into that sub forum. these battle threads were like the most poplular threads on the site. and now they are basicly dead.
They're only "dead" if you stop posting in them. As long as there are active threads in a forum, people will pay attention to it. There is absolutely no reason you cannot post in them there, just as you did before. They still show up when people click on "New Posts."

There's no point in having different forums if the threads inside them don't accurately reflect the forum's topic. It's necessary that General Movie Discussion, being already very broad, not get cluttered with threads that fit better elsewhere.

i did keep posting. i made a new battle and 1 person voted in it in like 6 days. when it used to be like 5 people would vote in the character thread a day. im just saying most people dont even notice the sub forum but it wasnt doing harm to any1 in the general movie disscussion. no body complained or anything.

My life isn't written very well.
Actually, very interesting argument from both sides. I'd have to say the thread was more popular in the General Discussion thread, but it clearly belongs in the Ongoing Tournaments catagory. Perhaps a sub topic in the Genaeral Movie Discussion catagory could be made..."Movie Memorbilia..." something like that....?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by MichaelMyers
no body complained or anything.
Or maybe...
...it bugged some people and they just kept quiet about it because it wasn't worth making a fuss over.

As Yoda pointed out, people can still play the game...it's not as if he locked the thread. It really doesn't take that much effort to go into the Tournament forum.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
All right! Where the hell is Roscoe...and who moved him!?!?!?!
Maybe Roscoe saw a picture of the Olson twins and decided to move himself.

Here Roscoe~~~