

Registered User
I remember myself seeing "Halloween" on a quiet night.
Mom had gone to bed so I was alone in the living room.
I think almost every frame had an impact on me. The
menacing, ever present, tall, imposing, Michael Myers
ended up making those hours a satisfying experience.
My second story is with Mulholland Drive. From the
first frames, thanks mostly to Angelo Badalamenti's
score, the film grabbed my atention and scared, perturbed, provoqued my moviemaker-wanabee sorry self. That was until I heard the song "Crying" in the prescious voice of Rebekah del Rio. I am not sure about what happened then, I guess my mind flew somewhere and I ceased thinking. All I know is that I have created an adiction to both "Halloween" and "Mulholland Drive", specially that so-so-so sad song.

So I want to know if you have been through experiences like these ones.

Other encounter with the demon include:
-Requiem for a dream
-Eyes wide shut
-Suite Habana

See ya,

Originally Posted by julio
I remember myself seeing "Halloween" on a quiet night.
Mom had gone to bed so I was alone in the living room.
I think almost every frame had an impact on me. The
menacing, ever present, tall, imposing, Michael Myers
ended up making those hours a satisfying experience.
My second story is with Mulholland Drive. From the
first frames, thanks mostly to Angelo Badalamenti's
score, the film grabbed my atention and scared, perturbed, provoqued my moviemaker-wanabee sorry self. That was until I heard the song "Crying" in the prescious voice of Rebekah del Rio. I am not sure about what happened then, I guess my mind flew somewhere and I ceased thinking. All I know is that I have created an adiction to both "Halloween" and "Mulholland Drive", specially that so-so-so sad song.

So I want to know if you have been through experiences like these ones.

Other encounter with the demon include:
-Requiem for a dream
-Eyes wide shut
-Suite Habana

See ya,
Requiem for a Dream
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

I wouldn't exactly call it a demon. I'd call it a friend. A very good friend.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I wouldn't exactly call it a demon. I'd call it a friend. A very good friend.

You might be right my friend.

During watching The Shinning once, it was raining and lightening outside, the lightening was coming into the room, I was home alone with my dog, very interesting, but I go off topic, back to the event, when Jack's character was walking up the stairs with the axe in hand, my dog started to crawl towards the tv growling, just as jack chopped a hole in the door the dog flew at the tv and nearly knocked it off the stand, OMG, I immediately turned it off, I put on something more light hearted, I love the Shinning, but the dog doesn't.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

when we went to see poltergiest, i started to experience chest pains in the middle of the film...we went to the er soon after that and they told me that i might just be experiencing anxiety to the movie

the next day i went to my own doctor and he explained that i had a virus of the chest muscles that can mimic a heart attack