Your combination of the perfect character film/TV


What I'm going to do is combine brilliant characteristics and qualities of different characters to create my idea of the perfect character. The one rule is they have to be human.

If all these qualities and characteristics were truly combined into one man, what a man he would be if you could find a character who in bodies all of these I would be surprised.

There is a poem i like called if is the middle word in life that inspired me to do this Thread, it's about the qualities it takes and character you must compose to become a man.

Also if you want to post a character with a particularly good characteristic. You can also post a quote that you like that put you in mind of the character you chose.

This might just do nobody any good.
I’d prefer Hannibal’s ability to cut through people.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The patience and understanding of one's self as 100 Eyes

I didnt realise you watched Marco Polo. He was great.

Fact becomes knowledge, knowledge becomes wisdom, wisdom becomes insight.

If I could acquire at least three of these characteristics or qualities before I die, I'll die a man at least.

Be ashamed to die if you haven't score some points for humanity

I didnt realise you watched Marco Polo. He was great.
That show should be as big as Game of Thrones I love the architecture in it. And especially 100 Eyes and his philosophy about life. My favourite quote of his is "it's better to be l hated for what you are then loved for what you are not. Deep Stuff. I might do a thread sometimes soon on characters with great philosophy.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The sets were amazing, and the scenery just breath taking. Gorgeous looking show for sure.