Losing The Love of Film


My life isn't written very well.
If you lost your love for movies, how would you get it back?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by r3port3r66
If you lost your love for movies, how would you get it back?
Try and get involved in making some ones that "fixed" the flaws and disappointments you perceived?
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The Future Ed Wood
I sometimes go through periods where I dont feel like watching films, the best method is to just read a book or something and then eventually go back to watching films when you like.

Watching too many films can become a little worrying.
Tremble and despair for I am power! - Milamber - Magician

Visit the best film forum on the web http://www.empireonline.co.uk/

Enemies are so stimulating.
if i lost my love of movies i might not want it back. maybe i lost my love for it because i found a greater love in cross stitch.
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

there's a frog in my snake oil
Mmm, and think of all those new heroes in Cross-Stitch Monthly and Hello-Thimble. Mavis Kettering and her unmatchable three-finger-darn. The arpeggio arm-twirls of Amanda Sassanak. It's a slippery slope my girl, you'd be buying DarningVeneratingDocumentaries by the dozen b4 u knew it

Avoid Adam Sandler movies.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Do you know my poetry?
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Avoid Adam Sandler movies.
What about "Punch-Drunk Love", sandler did a terrific job in this movie.One of the best movies of 2002.As for losing love for film, thats never happen to me, I love films, I never get tired of them.Too many films is good for me because I learn more from movies.I dont care how many movies I watched I can never get tired of film.

Try watching a movie that you wouldn't normally watch. It may be that you haven't actually "lost" your love of film, but simply got bored watching certain movies over and over. So, perhaps, watching a movie that out of your perferred genre, or whatever, might help you re-ignite your love for film... or you might think it's a crappy-ass movie and slip further into a film rut.
You were named after the DOG?

Tuna's Avatar
Make your own movie. If you don't end up liking it then you're a lost cause.
Boards don't hit back

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Avoid Adam Sandler movies.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.