Sand pit scientist movie?


Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I remember seeing parts of a movie when I was very young. So in the mid to late 90's. All i remember is that there was possibly a mad scientist or just mad person who had a huge glass case of sand and inside the sand where this aliens (i believe) or possibly scorpions lol that could eat ppl. This is not tremors btw. Anyway not sure if it was towards the end or not but the mad scientist died himself by the sand creatures. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Sounds like the Outer Limits episode Sandkings.
Thank you! I've read the synopsis on imdb, I think this is it. The full eps on YouTube so might give it a watch. Appreciate it. It's been in my mind for years.