The dinner scene in Misery


I've recently watched Misery for the first time in a long while. HAving been so long since the last viewing, alot of the movie was pretty fuzzy going in, and while watching, I started noticing and picking up on things I don't remember having done before. One in particular, had to do with the dinner scene. When I got to the scene where Annie Wilkes and Paul Sheldon are eating dinner together, I couldn't decide whether Annie intentionally knocks over the wine, or not. The way she says a few things like "can we pretend this never happened", and the way she looks while saying them, raises my suspicion level. There's really no 'evidence' I can find in any scene that indicates she knew anything about the Novril, but she did clearly know he'd been out of his cage at least once by the time the dinner scene takes place, as she reveals this during the 'hobbling' scene. Annie is also evidently observant, since all it took was her ceramic penguin slightly out of place for her to know Sheldon had been out, so it wouldn't at all surprise me if she noticed the Novril missing, or just picked up on Sheldon's plan in some other way.

Anyway, I want to hear other opinions. Does anyone have any thoughts?

I watched Misery about 3 weeks ago, and thought the exact same thing tbh.
That's one of those scenes that is up to the viewer to decide I reckon.

Some of Annie's knowledge is almost supernatural at times... like the other way to look at the situation, is that she's such a massive fan of Sheldon, meaning she's probably extremely possessive over a lot of things... and, from those newspaper cuttings and her history, she has probably done this more than once with other people, and knows all the little tricks that her captives would pull to try and escape.
That's what I read into it anyway.

I watched Misery about 3 weeks ago, and thought the exact same thing tbh.
That's one of those scenes that is up to the viewer to decide I reckon.

Some of Annie's knowledge is almost supernatural at times... like the other way to look at the situation, is that she's such a massive fan of Sheldon, meaning she's probably extremely possessive over a lot of things... and, from those newspaper cuttings and her history, she has probably done this more than once with other people, and knows all the little tricks that her captives would pull to try and escape.
That's what I read into it anyway.
Well, I was hoping for more responses for the sake of diversity (lol), but what you said sums it up - Since there's really no way to conclusively prove she did or did not intentionally knock it over, then ultimately it is up to the viewer.

I really like when movies allow the viewer to make conclusions based upon their own interpretation of events - I think it gets their brains more actively involved and immersed in the story.

I didn't even think of that - Annie having possibly done something similar to this in the past. But, it wouldn't be surprising, given her history. It would also make it more likely she'd pick up on Sheldon's plan via intuition and past experience, rather than directly observing the missing Novril... Interesting to think about.