Could/should the next'StarTrek TNG' sequel re-boot'Starship Troopers'?


Plot; The movie would open with Capt. Picard and the Enterprise crew encountering a predatory xenos species that views humans as a prey animal/food-source.

As per his MO, Picard would immediately begin negotiating with the xenos with the negations focusing on the percentage of the human population the xenos would be permitted to consume on a yearly basis, the manner in which the 'prey-humans' would be culled, and which humans would become food for the xenos (which would not include members of the "government-class" like Picard, of course...)

Having become aware of the nature of these negotiations, several former nation-states, including the former United States, Britain (led by the descendants of Nigel Farage), the Russian Federation (led by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's descendants), and France (led by the National Front and Le Pen's descendants) re-establish their national autonomy and unite against the xenos threat and Federation meddling...

Due to a communication blackout. Picard would be unaware of these developments. Then, as he's finalizing the agreement with xenos (an agreement that would allow them to kill and eat millions of humans), Geordi reports that there are inbound starships...

Moments latter, with the Glitch-Step re-mix of 'Seven Nation Army' blaring, the Allied Fleet, led by the USS Kansas, descends through the atmosphere and begin engaging the xenos ships docked on the planet.

As this is occurring, Marauders launch from the ship and begin engaging any remaining xenos who are outside the ship, including the ones 'negotiating' with Picard.

In the background , the HMS Nelson is engaging the xenos in a similar manner.

As the battle is wrapping up, an additional Marauder launches from the USS Kansas and approaches a clearly flustered Picard. Seeing that this Marauder is 'in charge' Picard stumbles towards it and proclaims "WE WERE NEGOTIATING!!!" The Marauder then looks skyward as a DR Devise is fired on the xenos home planet, steps on the head of a deceased xenos, looks at Picard and says; "it would appear as though our 'negotiations' were successful", then takes off his helmet, reveling that he in John Rico.

Rico then turn to the crew of the 'Enterprise and informs them of what has occurred on earth, stating that all members of the geographic regions that comprise the US, UK, France and the Russian Federation are obligated to leave the Planitary Federation or cede their rights and property within their own countries. Rico would then go on to state that any SOLDIERS who wished to join the alliance were welcome to do so.

Rico's offer is immediately met by the defection of ALL the Enterprises 'Red Shirts' who report to Rico that Picard's been using them as cannon-fodder while implementing regulations that make it impossible for them to defend themselves...

Following this, Wesley Crusher hesitantly approaches Rico and, stutteringly tells him that he is not much of a warrior but that he can no longer tolerate the horrible things Picard does to him when he summons him into his quarters at night. Glaring at Picard, Rico informs him that he is "lucky" the Alliance wishes to avoid conflict with the Federation...

Picard then exclaims that Rico is taking "most of his men", to which Rico says, "WRONG, I am taking ALL of your MEN, you can keep what is left..."

The movie would then end with Rico's men hoisting the flag of the Human Alliance over the site of their victory and boarding their starships to defend humanity, setting the stage for a re-booted 'Starship Troopers' franchise, while Picard gathers the remains of his crew, setting-up the plot for the next Star Trek TNG....
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~Ayn Rand

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis!!! Si vis pacem, para bellum!!!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Plot; The movie would open with Capt. Picard and the Enterprise crew encountering a predatory xenos species that views humans as a prey animal/food-source.

As per his MO, Picard would immediately begin negotiating with the xenos....
You might be surprised to know that Star Trek TNG did a very similar themed episode like the part I quoted...(but not like the rest of what you wrote)

STTNG: Silicon Avatar episode

It was one of most beautiful episodes of the series. The way Picard dealt with the Silicon Avatar was enlightened.

You might be surprised to know that Star Trek TNG did a very similar themed episode like the part I quoted...(but not like the rest of what you wrote)

STTNG: Silicon Avatar episode

It was one of most beautiful episodes of the series. The way Picard dealt with the Silicon Avatar was enlightened.
I remember this episode; Kila Marr showed that she had bigger cojones, then Jean Luc and, unlike him, was willing to do what was necessary to defend humanity...

SEE, such a movie would fit into the 'cannon' perfectly...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Kila Marr was mentally unbalanced due to the death of her son by the Crystalline entity.

I'm more interested in your take on the original Starship Troopers. Most people don't quite get it. What is your take on it?

I'm more interested in your take on the original Starship Troopers. Most people don't quite get it. What is your take on it?
The "Starship Troopers Series" and especially the first installment were "propaganda-film" style depictions of battle between humanity and an existential threat....

Essentially, it is how a battle would be depicted to those 'back home', glossing-over the grittier aspects of war and injecting machismo and humor (such as everyone laughing at the end)...

That's a pretty good assessment. I've only seen the original movie myself. Though I know they made more.
Plot-wise (though the "effects" leave something to be desired), the third movie is as good as the first, though it runs the risk of literally angering everyone, as it simultaneously mocks "devout", "intolerant", and "evangelical" Atheists (similar to the philosophies of the PRC and USSR) and "religious" people alike, as the Federation goes from enforcing Statist-Atheism to cynically embracing religion as a tool of the State...