Luka's Movie Reviews

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Luka's Movie Reviews

I will use this thread to document all of mine reviews. The style and the look of the reviews may vary until i fully decide how i want it to look but ill try my best to choose the best look. Im excited to hear what you will think of the reviewed movies and if you want me to watch a movie go ahead and ill give it a look (no horror). I hope we will have a fun journey here together.

Batman (1989)

This was my first watch and i was very pleased with the movie. I plan on watching all the older Batman movies and you can excpect to see more of Batman in the near future. The acting was good but Micheal Keaton (Batman) didnt give me a something good performance by my opinion on the other hand Jack Nicholson (Joker/Jack Napier) was just perfect for his role. Jack never dissapoints me with his movies. The scenary was ok but nothing special. The story of the movie is pretty straight forward and entertaining.

Reccomendation: Yes you should watch you wont be dissapointed.
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American Psycho (2000)

American Psycho got me a odd feeling watching it, little simular to Reqiuem for a Dream but in a more positive way and not so disturbing. I had American Psycho on my list for a while now and i finally watched it. The story is entertaining and for some of the viewers it might be disturbing. Christian Bale (Patrick Bateman) was amazing as the main charather never expected him in a role like this, Jared Leto (Paul Allen) didnt have many on screen time but he was fun to watch to in his own way.

Reccomendation: Yes but you might be disturbed but not as Reqiuem for a Dream in my experience
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The acting was good but Micheal Keaton (Batman) didnt give me a something good performance by my opinion
Would you say that you had trouble accepting him as Bruce Wayne/Batman or was it just that you thought his performance wasn't so good?

Would you say that you had trouble accepting him as Bruce Wayne/Batman or was it just that you thought his performance wasn't so good?
I just thought his performance wasnt so good ...

V for Vendetta (2005)

V for Vendetta what a movie, really an amazing job they did with it. Im still woundering how couldnt i watched it before. The story of the movie to overthrow a goverment or the lead of the country and what can a little person can do to influance others to stand up and fight the dictator like goverment is just amazing. The acting was superb, Hugo Weaving (V) couldnt fit more for his role, Natalie Portman (Evey) at first i didnt like her at the very start of the movie and at a few points but later on she totally changed my mind and i got inpresed with her acting ... well those were my favorites i wanted to point them out. There was so many amazing scenes in the movie i could just go on with them but ill leave that to you to see it for yourself.

Reccomendation: Yes a must watch
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Argo (2012)

Argo ... well i expected much more from this movie and got quite dissapointed with it. Yes it was good but nothing to stand out or oscar material imo. The story is very good and interesting but other things didnt quite click together. The acting wasnt the best, Ben Affleck (Tony Mendez) he could do better but a few scenes were really good to point out, others really didnt stand out except i liked like 2 scenes of Bryan Cranston (Jack O Donnel). There was some pretty nice scenary for the eye too.

Reccomendation: Yes but not oscar material imo
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Nice reviews! I seen V for Vendetta (2005)some time ago but I think it's a very underrated and very special film.

I just seen Argo recently too, I like it OK, but not the ending.

Nice reviews! I seen V for Vendetta (2005)some time ago but I think it's a very underrated and very special film.

I just seen Argo recently too, I like it OK, but not the ending.
Thanks mate, i agree on you with V for Vendetta. For the ending with Argo i dont really know what to think of it myself ...

Menace II Society (1992)

Menace II Society what a movie, i have seen allot of good movies lately but not like this ... this is just something special might even give it on my favorites list. I liked everyone in this movie and every charather was special and interesting in their own way, all the praise to the actors of this movie and what a great selection of them just couldnt fit better. The story of the movie is just amazing didnt expect the ending, and i felt bad for the main charather Caine (Tyrin Turner). I dont want to spoil anything of the movie just go ahead and see it this is one of thoes i was little sceptic about it at the beggining and before the movie but it just payed off soo good. Theres a little quick review of this movie i saw on IMDb that said "The film is one chillingly authentic scene after another... In the end it's more of a war movie than "Saving Private Ryan" ever was", this just couldnt desribe it better well said to the author.

Reccomendation: Yes what a movie you just have to see it.
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Locke (2013)

This was another one of those movies i wanted see for a long time and i finnaly did. I expected more from this movie but it left a little dissapoited. I found the concept and the idea of this kind of movie very interesting and was hoping to work for me but it just didnt. Tom Hardy (Ivan Locke) was very good as he was the only charather we could see, others were just talking on the phone. The whole thing filmed in a car with Tom Hardy the whole movie i just didnt like it. You might like it or not, you decide for yourself

Reccomendation: Give it a try to see something diffrent than usual
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I really liked Locke (watched it since DerekVinyard listed it as his all-time favorite).

I do get the feeling that it will suffer from rewatches since it's very visually monotonous.

I really liked Locke (watched it since DerekVinyard listed it as his all-time favorite).

I do get the feeling that it will suffer from rewatches since it's very visually monotonous.
Glad you liked it. I got that feeling from the first watch it really affected me.

The Guest(2014)

The Guest another great movie what can i say, i expected this to be good even tho i havent knew much about it or heard about it. From the start of the movie i got the hook that this is going to be good and it was. Dan Stevens (David) was just perfect, i thought kind of Sheila Kelley (Laura Peterson, mother) didnt give it out her best at some scenes and it was really noticable that it wasnt good acting, the same happend at a scene or two with Brendan Meyer (Luke Peterson, son) but that didnt bother me too much. The story is amazing that goes by that a soilder comes to a family of which he knew their son from the army and stays with them and then he brings allot of good things to the family and many other unexpeted events happen ... I wanted to give this movie a 5 out 5 but i didnt like it as much as some of my favorites were even tho only little things didnt work with the Guest.

Reccomendation: Yes another great movie
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The Gold Rush (1925)

Later on today Chaplin was on my list, as i didnt see allot of Chaplin and i want to see more of him. The movie is simple and the story goes the same way but it works. Chaplin (The Lone Prospector) did good and Mack Swain (Big Jim McKay) was good too. I think something missed in this movie which seems all Chaplin i seen so far goes the same way, i dont hate Chaplin or anything but i dont know it just does.

Reccomendation: Yes
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Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool ... was waiting for this movie for quite some time and now i finnaly watched it. It was all fun and interesting but i lowered the rating if you some seen it before with a 5 out 5, i had the rush of the movie and was a little bit fooled by it and gave it a 5 straight away without any think what so ever. Maybe this happend to you soo you know what im talking about ...

Reccomendation: Yes pretty fun
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Another great movie what can i say. I was really excited to see some younger Jack Nicholson and i mainly watched it beacuse of him but what i got was the complete package of perfection. The story is superb it just couldnt be better. Every charather in this movie was great and was interesting to watch. I really felt bad for what happend to R.P McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) at the end. Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) charather will be the one to piss you off and make you mad proboably thats what i felt. The five oscars that it got i think it really deserved them all. Go ahead and see the movie if you havent allready ...

Reccomendation: Yes a must see
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Cacth Me If You Can (2002)

Pretty good work from Spielberg but not special. Its a good movie and enjoyable but its not great or very honorable or anything like that. I really liked that this actually happend to somone in real life that the story tells. The story is fun and a plus to it its based on someones life which happens to be Frank Abangale Jr. It was interesting to see DiCaprio in his younger age as i didnt watch allot of his movies when we has younger. DiCaprios charather is very fun and interesting how he plays people around his finger.
Reccomendation: Yes
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Gone Girl(2014)

This was on my list for quite some time and at first i didnt want to see it, but it payed up. The story is great i dont want to spoil any of it beacuse its really great and interesting to watch. The main two charathers were good especially Rosamund Pike (Amy Dunne), her charather is really top knotch and somone you proboably you wouldnt want to mess with. The way the movie unfolded was way off than i expected and its still great in its own way. You have to see this its fun and the movie keeps you thinking and entertained.

Reccomendation: Yes a must see
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No Country for Old Men (2007)

No Country for Old Men had high hopes for this one but i dont blame it. Ill have to give it a rewatch beacuse i didnt fully understand it.
Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) i really liked that charather and the way what happend to him at the ending. He was very mysterious and weird in his own way and it really well played off by Javier Bardem. There were many scenes that made me like his charather. The coin scenes that he does are pretty fun and many others. Others really didnt stand out for me he was the main star imo. I proboably will give a look of his other movies as i was impresed with his acting in this movie. As i mentioned before i didnt quite fully understand this movie so i cant give really a good opinion on it, when will be done with the rewatch ill be more setled out with my opinion.

Reccomendation: /
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Paths Of Glory (1957)

Story: After refusing to attack an enemy position, a general accuses the soldiers of cowardice and their commanding officer must defend them.

I was a little dissapointed with this movie i excepted quite a bit more of it for its heard praise. The movie was quite short for movie and i hoped it would be a little longer. There was some really great acting in this one by Kirk Douglas (Col. Dax) and many times the movie didnt seemed to quite fit me he allways brought up the excitment and the fun back to it. There were some pretty fun charathers from other actors with smaller roles to. What happend in the movie with the prisoners really suprised me as i was hoping for a turnover overall as it was kind of indicating for one. The acting that i mentioned before was all that i liked pretty much about this movie and some parts of the story apart from that nothing was really that special about it for me.

Reccomendation: Yes i think proboably most of you guys will like it
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Dirty Grandpa(2016)

Story: Right before his wedding, an uptight guy is tricked into driving his grandfather, a lecherous former Army Lieutenant-Colonel, to Florida for spring break.

I got pretty much what i expected from this movie and it was alright. De Niro was just so much fun in this movie. Zac Efron (Jason Kelly) was ok had a few good scenes but nothing really out of the ordinary. The story is ok nothing to stand out. I liked this movie soo much mainly beacuse of De Niro i didnt expect him to be in a movie like this but he nailed it off. The movie is pretty average, proboably most of you wont like it but its ok.

Reccomendation: No i dont think most of you guys will like it, or just see it for some De Niro beeing wild and fun
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