Who could have played Anakin's Skywalker in the Star Wars films?


Ok, so one of the more common complaints about the prequel trilogy (amongst other things) is that Hayden Christensen was horrifically miscast as Anakin. You could say that George Lucas was trying to go for Anakin being a petulant fool, but it doesn't quite work for me. Which brings up my question - who else could have played Anakin in the prequel trilogy? Keep in mind of the time the film was made, so you can't use actors from the 70s and those who started their careers after the prequel trilogy. Interesting topic....

When I first saw Hayden Christensen in Attack of the Clones, I thought it was some "inside" joke, or something. I had no idea what George Lucas was thinking and, honestly, I still don't. But when Hayden worked out and everything for Revenge of the Sith, he finally looked acceptable, in the part. And let's face facts here, nothing but the casting of Anakin Skywalker would've changed, had Hayden not been cast. George's poor writing and direction would've just ended up presenting us with another actor who ended up with egg on his face. It wouldn't have made any difference, replacing Hayden. Even the scar over the eye was so cliché, it was almost comical. Had he dressed Anikan in a T-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket, it wouldn't have come across any worse.

Even the good actors phoned it in for the prequels.
I don't think it would have made a difference.

Caitlyn Jenner
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Ok, so one of the more common complaints about the prequel trilogy (amongst other things) is that Hayden Christensen was horrifically miscast as Anakin. You could say that George Lucas was trying to go for Anakin being a petulant fool, but it doesn't quite work for me. Which brings up my question - who else could have played Anakin in the prequel trilogy? Keep in mind of the time the film was made, so you can't use actors from the 70s and those who started their careers after the prequel trilogy. Interesting topic....
I think purely because he was in evidence around that time in Spiderman, I used to picture James Franco being a decent alternative. That said, I thought it was odd that Lucas had Sebastian Shaw playing Anakin in Jedi if he always intended the character to have an American accent.

Registered User
Franco would have had the crazy part of Anakin down pat.