Being a middle child sucks.


I'm tired, and i'm worn out. If you are a middle child like myself, you know how i'm feeling in this moment, and i want to vent about it here.
In my family of 9 children, i fall under the category of the "Middle Child" 6 of my siblings are half siblings, and i am the middle child of my blood related siblings, I am also the second youngest, at 23. Through the years i've always been the butt of every joke, these jokes get repeated every time the family gathers, and it really is the most exciting part of their conversations! Don't get me wrong, i have a sense of humor and i can definitely make fun of myself, however THESE JOKES DONT STOP!!! it's been 17 years and i've yet to have heard anything new from these people, just the same mockery, same old run down gags, and it gets to a point where i need to leave the room, because i'm no longer part of the conversation, i AM the conversation. Sure the argument can be made that i can ask them to stop, which i have, answered promptly with a stop taking things personally. Can anyone empathize with this? I try getting into the conversation, but anything i say is ignored, like i am a ghost. The worst part is they look at me, they acknowledge that i have spoken, then move on. I hate it. Can i get some others in hear that want to vent about their family? The more the merrier!

Trust me, being the youngest is worse.

Nobody listens and whenever there's a conversation within the family and I throw my opinion in, everyone gets a smirk on their faces as if I don't know what I'm talking about... yet I'm probably the most seasoned and "lived" person in the family with exception to my Mum.

All my family, apart from my parents, had their lives handed to them through the armed forces. They never had to try, or strive for anything... it was all handed to them when they took the easy way by signing up to the forces.
I pissed the forces tests, but didn't get in due to my eyesight.

My family goes on about their qualifications and their successes in life and "why don't you (me) have the same"... yet they haven't paid for a single thing in their lives, none of them had to scrounge and scrimp to get cash together for their qualifications... it was all provided for them, free of charge...

I've had to strive to get to where I am, even going through homelessness, alcoholism and drug abuse... yet I'm treated as if I know nothing about life simply because I'm the youngest.
I'm 33!!

Nobody listens and whenever there's a conversation within the family and I throw my opinion in, everyone gets a smirk on their faces as if I don't know what I'm talking about..
It's like you get me, Rodent.

I don't think it has anything to do with being a middle child or anything like that. In some families there are certain people that simply aren't listened to as much as others. I think it's mostly because of prejudices based on the past.

Just earn their respect by being classy and friendly and don't be afraid to show off from time to time (in a kind and constructive manner) if there's a certain topic being discussed that you happen to know much about.

It's no use getting all frustrated about it.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Feel for you both particularly Rodent, but i can't relate to any of your problems because i haven't experienced them so i'll just leave it there. Mostly i came here to say, if that's you in your Avatar Patrick you are the spitting image of one of my friends without the beard.

I pissed the forces tests, but didn't get in due to my eyesight.
Either that's not much of a test or you failed it for very different reasons than your eyesight. Unless it's a combination of the two and there was a pissing test, but you're poor eyesight led to you failing.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I'm one of the only people to get 100% in an aptitude test, HK... and did it in 30 minutes when the allotted time was 5 hours.

When I went for the eyesight test, they flunked me... but my stats were perfect. Hearing test and physical tests were a breeze too... eyesight not good enough, didn't get in.

I did the same with the police force tests as well.

When I went for the eyesight test, they flunked me...
Well, duh. You wouldn't turn your eyes away from Young Guns for one minute just to look at the eye chart. You can't pass unless you read the eye chart.

In my family of 9 children
Oh, so that's where you get your great enthusiasm from -- your parents.

Im not the middle but Im the 4th out of 5... and that sucks as well.... Im the middle girl....too

Rodent, when did you abuse drugs? I thought you were all anti-drugs.

Through the years i've always been the butt of every joke, these jokes get repeated every time the family gathers, and it really is the most exciting part of their conversations! Don't get me wrong, i have a sense of humor and i can definitely make fun of myself, however THESE JOKES DONT STOP!!! it's been 17 years and i've yet to have heard anything new from these people, just the same mockery, same old run down gags, and it gets to a point where i need to leave the room, because i'm no longer part of the conversation, i AM the conversation.
What kind of jokes are they? What do they say?

(Honeykid needs new material, so help him out.)

Thanks guys, you're great!

I'm anti-drugs because I used to be on them.

I've seen the damage they do to others as well as myself.

I am the only child, so technically I am the youngest, the oldest AND the middle child at the same time!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I am the only child, so technically I am the youngest, the oldest AND the middle child at the same time!
You silly goof!