I wanted to see this movie because i love Emma Roberts and indie flicks and the plot seemed interesting enough: a young poet looking for a break gets a job in a sex shop. I liked the movie but it wasn't that good. Director Scott Coffrey shows potential in his second film but there are plot gaps that are just really annoying. Also everybody in this film seems to have schizofrenia because their feelings for Roberts' character, Amy, seem to change without any reason to.

The cast is so-so Roberts delivers, but the rest just seems dull and show no personality. Evan Peters is ok but not anything to write home about and John Cusack is not what i was expecting from him. Although it is him and Emma Roberts that keep this film from falling apart. There is also this transvestite played by Armando Riesco who isn't neccesarily bad but it isn't anywhere near Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club (wich i think is now the standard for all transvestite roles to come).

All and all a ok film that leans on the talent of Emma Roberts and the experiance of John Cusack. However, this is not enough as the rest of the cast seemd a little dull to me. The movie also suffers from cheesy lines, cliche's and bad cinematography.
If i would have to score it i would give it a 5.5