Movie Title Help


I have been trying to identify this movie for a long time know. i only remember a single scene from it.

All i remember is two kids going down the street of this neighborhood and the world is BLACK except the street and homes. at the end of the street up on a mountain is a large building. headquarters. you see boys and girls outside playing per home. all girls are jumping rope and boys are standing still bouncing a ball. all acting very "robotic" while doing so. the kids get to this main building and ACT like everyone else...robotic. until one kid spots them and rats them out....they run. only thing i remember is while on the run in this place, i think its their father, goes into this room....the floor begins to split open to make him fall in.

Basically whatever these people do to kids makes them obedient and robotic.....

Any help will be much appreciated.


I posted this years ago, Still havent found it. Anyone?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't recognize it. It might help others if you can give a few clues. Could this have been a TV show? or made for TV movie? What decade do you think it was made?

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Disturbing Behavior (1998)?
"A flying saucer? You mean the kind from up there?"
"Yeah, either that or its counterpart"

Their assumption was that Jerry was already dead when I arrived, and I just nodded my head. What else could I tell them? "He had to do it, Officer, or else he would’ve turned into a worm-monster and been very unhappy."

Not disturbing behavior.
I can only remember an ounce of info. the main scene i remember is that in this dark world they are driving down an urban neighborhood street, children are playing but very roboticlally. one child per house, girls are jumping rope and boys are bouncing basket ball. once they reach the end of the street, there's a large head quarters type building. they sneak in, acting robotic if you will as to not get seen. but a little boy notices and sounds the alert. i remember nothing of the entire movie. i think the age of this film is within last 5 years. oh and the kids are like, 12 ish or younger. and i believe their dad is with them.

oh and i wanna say the title was like DARK something....