My favorite movie

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The best movie I've ever seen is The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola with Marlon Brando and Al Pacino because for me, everything in this movie is perfect. The story is rich and eventful, you don’t know who is with or against Michael until the very last minute, and some scenes become cult like the death of Sonny or the fight between Sonny and his brother-in-law. The actors were just perfect, Brando becomes the definition of what is the boss of a gang and was awarded of an Oscar (even if he refused it). Al Pacino, James Caan and Robert Duval were also nominated. The directing was just perfect and Coppola was awarded too. And finally, I want to finish with the best point of that movie, the Godfather's music is the best film music ever and fit so well, just hear it inspire respect.