Great film literature?


I'm looking for recommendations. I went to my local Barnes and Noble today and discovered they had dookie spit in the way of film literature. I was specifically on the lookout for film theory/studies/criticism but found nothing of worth (just books about the making of Twilight... not kidding).

Does anyone have any books about movies that they would recommend? Doesn't matter if it's not criticism, though I prefer to hear about that.

Maybe if enough people here are into this sort of thing, there could be a whole thread dedicated to film lit.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I have 1001 Movies You Have to See Before You Die, or something like that. It contains a lot of spoilers and many articles are just synopsis of films, but it's great nonetheless as you can find a lot of films to see there.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I've taken a gander at that book before and, yeah, I dropped it because of the spoilers and its plain nature. Definitely a good guide regarding must-see films, but not quite what I'm looking for. I'm sure, however, that other people here would take an interest in that.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yeah, it is not a professional film literature by any means, but it's quite valuable even for advanced movie fans, not to mention beginners. For them it's a great guide to a world of film. I don't know of any other books, but I've heard about some good ones. Unfortunately, I can't remember the names.

I'm not much into film criticism books, but I can recommend a couple of great ones in the other areas.

Screen Writing - Story by Robert McKee
Directing - Grammar of the Film Language by Daniel Arijon.

I knew the directing book was going to be great once I saw it's reviews on amazon, and the only thing negative anyone had to say was about all the superfluous drawings of naked women.

Here's a few that might fit the bill, range from anecdotal/entertainment-based stuff to academic theory/criticism:

Easy Riders, Raging Bulls by Peter Biskind
Film Art: An Introduction by David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson
The Cinema Book by Pam Cook
Hollywood Cinema by Richard Maltby
Introducing Film by Graham Roberts & Heather Wallis

Mostly introductory/general stuff. If anyone's on the lookout for anything more specific I might be able to help there, too.

I enjoyed Masters of Horror by Daniel Cohen quite a bit. It was a good introduction to classic horror movies.

What do you guys get out of these criticism books, insights into how to evaluate a films meaning?
In a nutshell, pretty much. It introduces you to prevailing theories on the cinema language and technique. Whether you are inclined to agree with the critique you read or not, you are still exposed to these analytic frameworks and are able to apply them in your own viewings (ie: The Matrix as an overt exemplification of postmodernism).

If more and more people start coming out and saying they read film literature, I'm going to make a general thread for it where everyone can come and discuss the books they've read and make recommendations to others.