Proximity's Blu Ray Collection


It's bare because I rarely purchase physical media anymore. I'm a square.

Akira - Katsuhiro Otomo
Children of Men - Alfonso Cuaron
Collateral - Michael Mann
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Criterion) - David Fincher
The Fifth Element - Luc Besson
Fight Club - David Fincher
Jurassic Park - Steven Spielberg
Kill Bill 1/2 - Quentin Tarantino
Kingdom of Heaven (DC) - Ridley Scott
No Country for Old Men - Joel and Ethan Coen
Predator - John McTiernan
The Terminator - James Cameron
Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven
Star Wars: The Complete Saga - Lucas, Kirshner, Marquand
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh

Registered User
I'm glad there is now a picture thread, 2 things, I was very excited to see the description for the thread was from my suggestion video lol, also perhaps a sticky is in order on how to upload pics? There are a few pics i would like to upload (and include in the review thread i just posted) but can't for the life of me figure it out, is there a size limit or file type I'm not seeing? I tried a few things and every time the pics had an error during upload that prevented completion.