Movie title



Im looking for a movie title.

The movie scenes are put around the year 0 (+-100years), somewhere between Syria, Jordan, Armenia (countries of near east).
the movie must be older, because i watched it at least 5-6 years ago.

The main character is a man who has a chain(necklace) around his neck and a pendant which can change the symbols of different religions. (Christian cross, Star of David, the Muslim crescent ...)
he is some kind of merchant that sells miscellaneous junk, and he changes the'' religion'' with his pendant gaining sympathy with costumers or potential enemies.

the only detail that I remember is that there was a blonde woman who could not reach an orgasm, so he advised her somekind of a therapy in the river, I think with the help of gold fish.
it is possible that from this movie comes quote:
Now all of my fish are gonna smell like that.
someone told me that title might be Frigid Syrian, but i couldnt find this movie title anywhere on the interent.


I dont think it was played in theaters. I saw it on TV.
Im quite sure it was in english.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Do you know any actors in the movie?