Plot: After a young American backpacker goes missing in Europe, a group of journalists link his disappearance to a remote village in Poland. They travel there hoping to get the story, but as they unravel the secrets behind this mysterious village, they are suddenly pursued by hostile locals. Unable to escape, they soon become the next victims of ritualistic human sacrifice. Forced into the gruesome reality of true survival horror, the journalists soon discover that this village hides a much darker secret than they could ever imagine.
My Thoughts: I watched this movie on recommendation of my brother, I had heard of it a lot and have wanted to watch it for a while but never got around to it but when my brother finally recommended it to me, I made time for it. The movie opens up really intense, it starts off with An american being killed, and what makes it even more unsettling is that at this time we don’t know what he did, so it makes it a senseless killing.
Then the movie takes an even more creepy turn, when Carmen is all alone in her room and starts seeing visions. The whole tone of the movie is very creepy which to me was not at the point where it was over bearing of fright so you couldn’t watch it, it was just right so every now and then you would have a moment where you would be on the edge of your seat or even possibly covering your eyes.
But at the same time, yes it was very creepy, but when you think that something is going to happen, something scary is going to jump out, you are usually left with a feeling of disappointment, there were a lot of fake scares that I thought should of been played out.
I thought that the story was really good, because through-out the whole movie you are trying to figure out different things like, why? Who? What? What I really enjoyed about the movie is that it had you guessing up until the very end of the movie, it had you trying to work everything out in your head and by the time you figured it out, the movie is over. So I have to say that the movie played out very well, it was executed well, and it really had an amazing ending that will leave you speechless, and at the same time, quivering in fear.
I give this movie a solid 4.5 out of 5 because after watching this and sitting with it and working everything through my mind, it really delivered on some things that I was thinking that it would fail on, mainly that it only had a budget of around 500,000 dollars, I was expecting it to have a really low quality of gear they used to film it but it looks very professional and like a movie with a very large budget. The cinematography was perfect in my opinion.
This movie is a need to see if you are a fan of horror movies because in my mind this goes back to some of the roots that horror has gone away from in the past years because this movie is not all about the blood and gore, like Saw and a lot of other franchises are now (not to say this movie didn’t have any violence.)
Last edited by Yoda; 06-02-11 at 07:15 PM.