need help - what movie is this!


I saw it on tv about a week ago and didn't think at the time to check the tv listings; now I can't recall what channel or day it was on, and I didn't recognize any of the actors/actresses. I didn't catch the whole thing but I will try my best to describe what I did. An elder man with gray shoulder length hair barged in on the king? I think they said, and the first lady having some odd roleplay where he was dressed as a baby and she was pregnant, anyway they were both shot and killed and the white haired man started a revolution; he changed the stop lights to red meaning go and green stop. The man standing guard outside of the room for the murder wouldn't sign a loyalty oath for the man and was sent to a "learning camp" I think they called it? Where most all people were sent. The leader of the revolution would come by and each person was addressed as good citizen or something similar. The guards thought the guy in the camp was trying to conspire with a few other prisoners and would always question him and threaten to send him to room twelve or eleven, I don't really remember. Eventually the revolution leader was stabbed while he was in the bath by a woman and all returned to normal. Idk if that helps any, haha, I'd appreciate any help.

Sounds like a dream I had in the 70's.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

dont think i can help you, dear.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Your comment about a revolutionary leader being stabbed in a bathtub by a woman sounds like Jean-Paul Marat's assassination by Charlotte Corday in 1793, although I'm not sure to which film you may be referring.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Haha. Thank you for trying!