Been reading the Hobbit thread with interest as I'm a fan of Tolkein and LoTR trilogy.

Another favourite author of mine is H.P. Lovecraft, cosmic horror writer from 1920's. IMO none of the movitising of his works have ever been treated with respect or mildly worked

There has been rumour for a while now of a movie based on his 1931 story At the Mountains of Madness. The latest according to IMDb is that it will be directed and screenplayed by Guillermo del Toro in 2010 and will star Ron Pearlman (they have worked together before in Hellboy and will again in Hellboy2)

Guillermo del Toro is passionate about the project and has already written the screen adaption, in 2006 however had trouble from Warner Bros getting the funding because it is NOT a love story and DOESN'T end happily ever after.

When asked in Nov 2006 ... if he'd found a studio
No, Paul, not really, although WB is still interested if I can do it for a certain number. And, believe me, I am trying to figure out a way to do it. The problem, as you may know, is that the H.P. Lovecraft novel is all about scale. How puny man is, an ant in the cosmic picnic... The alien Antarctica city should reflect this scale as should the desolate landscape. My ideal would be to make this a tentpole horror movie. One that is both scary and a spectacle. Vistas, landscape, creatures, tentacles — ah — the tentacles...
The basic story is about an antarctic expedition in 1930's to the icy continent where the team come across ruins of an ancient civilisation. Read Wiki

I am excited about the project for another reason, since the screenplay is following the book and is not modernised there is a good chance that some of the shooting will be in Hobart (my hometown) as there are still buildings of the era standing.

Here is del Toro's site with more info and on this site I found a screenplay excerpt.

Anyone have any other info or are looking forward to this.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.
The Call of Cthulhu - H.P.Lovecraft