The Insider


Does anyone know where I can read up on the filming techniques and actual mediums of film that were used in this beauty of a film? I absolutely love the tones and colors in every fits the whole mood of the film.

I remember seeing this film for the first time in the theater...with a group of around 10 friends. As sad as it is to say, all my friends smoke and it's gross. One friend actually left during the film to have a smoke. I was so enraged...seeing this amazing film before my eyes showing the horrors of smoking, but then only to see my friends all light up after it was done. :Rrrrr

I have now watched this film 3 times this weekend.....

Steve <---movienut

p.s. does anyone know that amazing song that is in this film....with the man/women singing in an amazing way. It's also in Gladiator.

Now With Moveable Parts
I liked this movie a lot too. Seemed a little on the long side, but definately a well put together film. My favorite Russel Crowe performance to date.

bigvalbowski's Avatar
Registered User
I gotta agree about the lighting. Fabulous.

Did you notice not one person smoked during the entire movie? That was a nice touch from the director.

If you're interested by the way. Russell Crowe, Al Pacino and Michael Mann are all chain smokers.

What I want to know is why Crowe's character would give his life up to rat on the cigarette company? He wasn't a very moral guy. My memory of the film is hazy but didn't he have a sick ex-wife who he never gave any money to? I feel that he did it simply out of spite, he couldn't handle the fact that the company would fire him.

If Michael Mann can deliver Ali as well as he did this true story, then we're looking at a best picture.
I couldn't believe that she knew my name. Some of my best friends didn't know my name.

Yea...I am really looking forward to Ali to see what Mann has done this time.

I think I'm the only person I know who didn't think much of this movie. Don't get me wrong, it is a joy to look at, and the acting is great, but I just find myself standing outside of it. I love the technical aspects, but on the emotional level it doesn't do anything for me...and it's rather boring. Even more boring than Nixon (which, while it's a great movie, is a chore to get through).

I'm sort of indifferent to Michael Mann's movies. I mean, I can understand why he's so loved and praised, just one look at any of his work and it's obvious that he's amazing on the technical level. But I never find myself being sucked in the way I feel I should be.

hey buddy check this out but that all I could find

Thank you very much guys.

I liked this movie a lot too. Seemed a little on the long side, but definately a well put together film. My favorite Russel Crowe performance to date.
Just mentioned on another thread that I think this is Crowe's best performance too.