

Registered User
I just saw the trailer for this movie when I went to see Elizabethtown. I 'm not usually a fan of period peices, but I loved, loved, loved Shakespeare in Love and this seems like it will b along the same thread - a witty film with a great love story. Finally!!! Anyone else seen anything about this??

Originally Posted by AngieQ
Anyone else seen anything about this??
I've seen the trailer and I usually like period pieces. But I was underwhelmed with Brothers Grimm and don't know if I'm ready for more Heath.

I think I'd rather watch Quills again instead of seeing Casanova.
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Registered User
I hear he is amazing in the film! I really like the director as well, Hallstrom, all of his films have been on the top of my list and I believe he was nominated for two Oscars.

I too am a fan of Hallstroms films. The cast is quite impressive and think that this could really boost Ledger and Miller's careers. I'll see it - I think it will be much funnier than people imagine.

Registered User
Originally Posted by mott hamble
I too am a fan of Hallstroms films. The cast is quite impressive and think that this could really boost Ledger and Miller's careers. I'll see it - I think it will be much funnier than people imagine.
Yeah im psyched to check out Sienna's acting...i've seen her in films b4 but its always smaller parts. It got a great review on comingsoon I saw.