Is this a good story Idea?


Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
I just wrote this story. It's a brainstorm and If I had to make a real version it would be an actual book. This is a very breif version of the story that I am writing. I just want some feed back. lol, I did not double check any of it so it has very bad spelling.

Here it is,

100 years ago before the fallowing story is told. People with extraordinary powers exsited. They
used their powers for the good of man kind, but few didn't. The media only exploited the bad ones,
brain washing the public. The public became very predujice against them. And forced them to
disappear. Were they went, is unknown, they just vanished. And soon, they were forgotten about

A man named Romon is born. He is very very smart. The smartest person on the planet and by a very
large margin at that. by a young age he discovers he has powers. Such as moving things with his
mind, reading others minds, and what would doom him, predicting the futhure. He predicted bad
things that would happend. And would try to put a stop to it. He did it a few times, but most of the
time, he would fail. And he would tell other people about his abilities such as the cops, and example
would be " COPS! you have to stop that truck or else it will crash into someone!! " They just think he
is playing and ignore him. Then the truck does blows up. Then they think he is the one responsible.
Since there is no scientific rational for predicting the futhure they tought he was crazy. He started
doing this by the age of 17, and for one year he would get away with it untill people started thinking
two things, one, that he is doing this for attention, and two, that he is suffering from mental illness.
They decide to put him in an isolated state for the next ten years. Untill he finally cracked. When he
was finally 28, he had went trough crazy times in isolation. They treated him like a freak in their, the
nurses would mess with him, the doctors would purposly say things in a certain way that would
make him angry. After ten years he build up nothing but anger, frustration. Those mixed feelings
made his powers stronger. He realized he had crazy powers. He could look into someones minds, and
mess with them. Out of anger, he looked a nurse into the eyes, and tricked the brain into thinking it
was dead, she droped dead right their. He tested his powers this way. Nobody tought he was the one
responsible, because their is no proof. This anger drove him to the point where he just went crazy,
he had a vision which he beileves is from GOD. The vision was that GOD was speaking to him, the
vision stated that GOD only accepts the strong, unleash your anger on the humans. Show them your
power, and you will be the one that is saved. This is Romons story. More on this later.
And as faith itself gave birth to another man which is ten years younger then Romon, Ridly is born.
His mother died right after she gave birth, and he was sent to a different family, a bad family. They
treated him dreadfully, such as, burning him with cigars, making him eat his own vomat, beating him,
denying him school and food. He had one friend, it was a girl. Ridly also has extraordinary powers.
He also posseses mind powers. And is very smart. Altough, his mind powers and his smarts do not
compare to romon, but he has powers such as flight, superhuman strenght, the power to controll
fire, water, etc, which he can do better then romon. Having a strong mind, Romon canno't use much
mind controll on Ridly. More on this later. Ridly was denyed school, but he keeped a lap top
underneth the floor boards of his apartment home, in his room, were his parents could not steal it for
drugs. There he could communicate with a girl he knows which lives about a mile from him. She
tought Ridly things she learned in school so he was not completly unschooled. Ridly then planned to
escape from his home, with his very good friend Iden, which is the girl he would communicate with
on his laptop, which thankfully, supported wireless internet which her parents paid for. Iden agreed
to run away, Because she was recently told by Ridly things he is going trough at home, and that he
is terrified to tell anyone. He also told her that he has extraordinary powers. Her only social life was
with Ridly, apparently, her social life is more important to her, and she really likes Ridly. So they ran
away. Possesing the power of flight. Ridly flew away, everyday they would get closer and closer,
then they were able to sneak on too a plain that would take them to Ireland. Ridly could have eazly
flew to Ireland with his power of flight, being able to exceed the speed faster then anything that is
man made. But couldn't do so because Iden would be killed from the G-Forces that she would
expierence. Ridly often practiced his abilitys while his parents were sleeping, he would go outside
then return. As he was planning his escape. He could have eazily escaped much before it all
happend, but his dreadful past made him terrified of his step parents. It took him incredible courage
to escape, and he never even tried to consider telling someone about whats going on because his
fear of his parents prevented him from doing something. At the age of 12 is when he escaped with
his friend Iden to Ireland, he wanted to make sure he was far far away from california. He lived with
Iden in an abondon church on a hill in a large forest and there was an ocean near them. On there
way to Ireland he met a homeless man in New York city. The homeless man was very kind and
greatful. He decided to go with them. For the next 6 years Ridly, Iden, and the homeless man whos
name was Michael would spend their lives in the abondon church. Ridly was very anti-social so was
Iden, so he stayed away from towns, and hunted for food. With his powers, he could pure-ify the
ocean water for drinkable water. Ridly would flie to a town and steal needed things, such as Soap,
toilet paper, and luxeries. Luckly the church had good plumming so they could take showers and use
the stove, etc. But the water in the church was taisted very naisty. So he had to pure-ify ocean
water because it was cleaner then church water. He finally devoloped his powers so well that he
could now pure-ify the church water. He was devoloping his powers extremly well. It was in this
church that he fell into deep love with his girl friend Iden. They've known eachother for along time
so strong love it was. They also looked up to Michael as he had alot of knowledge, but sadly was
lazy and ended up homeless. The entire time Ridly was their, he noticed that he would be followed
when he was outside, by men in black clothing. He knew who they were. They were the infomus
Black Mask Clan. By the time Ridly was 18 the begging of the end began. This is about the same time
Romon started going crazy. And was planning to escape.
The black mast clan is an infamus group of people that would rob stores for food, lots of food. As if
they need to feed 300 people. They appeard as soon as super human people disappeard off the
planet forever. Thats because they are those people, forced into the catacombs, they now live
underground in a secret city. Completly unknown. They always escape because they always travel in
small packs, they can have helecopters on them and escape, the reason is simple. They will always
have a person in there party that can bend light so they can cloak themselvs. People always tought
it was some trick of intellegent means, indeed it wasn't. These are the same people that would
follow Ridly. They followed him because they suspected that he had abnormal powers and which
they would want him to join them. It wasen't untill Romon escaped from the hospital and started his
rampage that they really needed Ridly.
In the same time of Ridlys 18 year, Romon had escaped from isolation. And started full filling his
destiny so that GOD would recognize him. He started off doing small crimes, and then very quickly
moved to big ones. He eventually started doing crimes that became a national threat to the U.S. He
would absorb the water in the air and flood entire citys. He would abosorb the electricity of citys
shutting them all down, and then unleashing it in a very powerful wave killing millions of people. He
could cave in Sky-Scrapers just at the tought of it. He could cause Tsunamis, earthquaks, tornados.
Causing mayhem. He even created a machine that could take over such things as the internet,
specific cars, and he created many things. Afterall, he is the smartest man on the planet. He even
created a gravity altering suit which he wore, it gave him the power of flight, and was impervious to
even the humans strongest form of weapon, the nuclear bomb. He never really needs it for small
weapons such as shotguns, he could eazy stop the bullets in mid air with his mind. He would trick
the minds of large groups of people into going crazy and do what ever he wants them to do. He could
kill people just by looking at them. He could form objects with his minds with the materials around
him and use the same thing to cause things to just burst into flame. Withen a week, this went from a
national threat, to a global threat. But only one person could stand up to him, all those in the black
mask clan had powers yes, but none of there powers were strong enough to go against him. They
planned to get Ridly to battle him and take him down. They know Ridly has the power to do it, and
they are going to try get Ridly to take him down. because Romon mainly uses his mind to take his
foes down, Ridlys mind is incredibly strong, and it will not break not even against Romon. Using his
physical Strenght he could break trough Romons armor. And he can dodge anything Romon throws at
him. But Ridly only looks out for himself, the black mask knows this. But soon, Faith will bring Ridly
into the battle. Saving the World is not the black mask clans intention however, they have there own
About half way trough Ridlys 18 year on this planet, what would change his life took place. He came
home to his abondoned church were he would see that Michael and his beloved girl friend Iden had
been killed. He immediantly began crying, he was in grave pain. He knew they have been killed
because there heads had been on sticks burning. Then a boy yells out his name from out of the
church,then the little boy right outside the house says a man did it, he speaks these words " The
man was powerful, you havn't heard of him? hes all over the news, people thinks he be the devil.
He's been murdering in masses." Ridly starts getting mixed emotions, he ask " how long ago did he
kill them!?" The boy replys " about 10 miniutes ago." Ridly has one thing in mind, revenge. He begins
to wonder what a 8 year old boy is doing in the forest. He asked, "who are you boy? Souldn't you be
home?" The boys replys, "I was sent here to pick you up." Ridly asked "why?" Then the boy leads
him to a part of the forest he was certain was never there. Ridly says " I know this forest like the
back of my hand, this was never hear." The boy says, " Just because you can't see something does
not mean it's not there. Only those with the eyes of truth can see this part of the forest when it is
cloaked." The 18 year old mans mind is boggled. Then the boy leads him down into an underground
entrance were he says the men in those black suits. He realized these are the people that have
been following him.
The boy takes him into the underground city where they all live, then the king of them approaches
Ridly, and says "we can help you." Wanting revenge. He agreed. They helped him master his powers,
even furthur and he finds out that he has other powers, he was givin all this without having to give
anything in return. Ridly ask," why don't you do it yourself? the king replys, "we aren't strong
enough, besides, we have no buisness with him. Who cares if the humans die, they've done nothing
but deny us since the start. ((The part about them being to weak is true. And so is the predujuce))
But what made Ridly Fishy is the part where they are offering him all this for no reason, blinded by
him wanting revenge, he thinks nothing of it. Then Ridly says, "how do you know I'm strong
enough?" The king says, "your mind is incredibly strong and you possise those powers, this man
canno't attack your mind, he has to confront you pysically He said," Ridly replys " I'm not sure how
you know this, but I don't care, I have one thing in mind, and that is revenge. That bastard murderd
the only family that ever accepted me for who I am. What do I have left?! No, this is wrong, revenge
never resorts to anything good. I will just live amongst the humans in disguise. "The black masked
king replys " it's to late, people know your face, besides, what about us? We can't all live amongst
humans, alot of us are pysically different. They will notice and they will hate." Ridly Replys " I don't
understant what you mean. Anyways, I don't really think revenge is the way." ((Ridly did not think
much of what the black mask king said, he was busy thinking about his lost.)) The black mast man
replys " He put your lovers head on a stick and burned it, You sould not sit it down. " ((Ridly begins
to become furius just at the tought of it, and makes up his mind.)) Ridly says, " your right, that
bastard deserves to die. I'm not sure why you would care but that doesn't matter, I want to master
all my skills with your help." Ridly Begins training, and realizes that he has the power to look into
peoples mind as well. He can only look into peoples mind if there is a close link, he has to be
touching there head to look into it.
Ridly is now ready to confront Romon and get revenge. They battle many times in a weeks span and
once he has him in a certain point were he can read his mind, something tells him to do so, and he
does just that. Finding out that Romon is not the one that killed his friends he rushes to the
underground city knowing that their is something wrong. He confronts the black mask leader and
again, he gets the strange feeling to read his mind, he did just that. And found out that the black
mask clan murderd his friends. Knowing why they did it, he asked him why they did it anyway so that
he can see if he will tell the truth. So Ridly asked him " Why did you do it, don't act stupid, you know
exactly what I'm talking about" The black masked king replys " I will speak the truth, We killed them
to make you fight that Romon, so that you will save the world and maby, just maby, mankind will
accept us, and we can live normal lives because you would have told them that you recieved help
from us. They will see you saved them and love you for it and will accept you as well as us. We are
sick of living in the filt of the catacombs, starving, sleeping with rats. Thats why we told you that.
I'm sorry, it was a good sacrifice, if you could just play along, you could help us all. Please
understand us, please." Furius, Ridly murders everyone in the black mask clan and destroys the
entire black mask city.
He is know in front of his home, confronted by Romon, Romon realizes he is a threat to him fullfilling
his destiny of showing god his strenght. Seeing that the Ridlys mind is going crazy, he realizes this
is the perfect time to be able to mess with his mind. messing with his mind. he tells him, "there isn't
going to be much of man kind left, they are desperate, with the u.s, brazil, canada, and many other
countrys already off the map, there aren't much humans left. you've murderd the black mask, and
you also murderd your own family, (he is telling him that he has murderd his family.) Now having full
controll of his mind, he tells him " we will show god who is strong, we will be gods right hand people,
we will be loved for eternity, join me. Under his possesion, they launch a large campain attack
against the mankind. As a last resort, the humans scorch the earth with many nuclear bombs ending
the rest of there speices. With only them left on the planet. Romon says "we've done it." Ridly, under
his possesion, in which he thinks just like him, E.X wanting to show god that he is the only powerful
one and will be the only one loved by the gods. He cathces Romon off guard And kills him. Out of
greed, he wanted to be the only one known by the GODS.
No longer under the possesion of Romon, Ridly realizs what he has done. Shocked, he grabs a
broken shard of glass which was found on the rubbish of destroyed buildings. And speaks the last
words to himself, " I guess we deserve this, me wanting revenge, which would have never made
things better, humans outcasting other people just because they are different. People just starving
for power. It's as if god himself sent me and Romon to spark all this. He was the wick, I was the fire.
and the lesson was the bomb. I'm not sure if this is true, I can only make my conclusion. if it is true,
GOD has shown his wrath and tought us all a wholsome lesson. I never tought the world can end this
way." Slicing his throat and wrisk with the glass shard he eventually dies. And all is lost on the

End of Story Idea number 1


Ok, nice story man, took me a while to read that ^_^

Anyways, I loved the part where Ridly finds out that it wasn't Romon who killed his friends. I was reading and like, that was quite predictable, then Romon didn't do it, awesome ^,^
I can picture this, Romon on his knees, Ridly about to kill him with his hand on Romon's head, then he sees that he didn't kill his friends. Ridly then blows, going to the forest, smashes into the Black Mask clan's hideout, killing the guards who try to stop him, he confronts the king as to why he did this, shortly after finding out kills him.

I think that when Ridly finds his friends dead he should be more emotional than what you have said. Maybe the emotions he feels trigger off a new power he didn't know he had.

At the end, maybe you shouldn't kill everyone off, you need to leave someone at least.

But yea, nice idea man. That must have taken you a while =p

Keep up the goodwork, goodluck.

Oh, and if you feel your completed work needs animating, i'm here to help
Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running?
Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually.

Originally Posted by The_Butcher
Is this a good story Idea?

100 years ago before the fallowing story is told. People with extraordinary powers exsited.
I didn't read past the first sentence (well, you have it as two sentences, but that's only due to a total lack of comprehension of how punctuation works), but NO, it's not a good story idea. If you actually do think it's a good idea, don't go around giving it away for free on the internet. Write a script or outline for it, then register it with the WGA. Otherwise, if it was an idea somebody else liked, they could take it from you and you couldn't do a thing about it legally.

Not that I suspect you'll have that problem.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It was a brainstorm of ideas, not the actual story, I expect he's asking for help on what to do with the story and seeing if anyone else likes the ideas.

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
TPAM is right. It is not a story. Just a brain storm. I just got back. I wrote the story with good spelling gave it too my mother and she sent it too a place were I can get a review on it. Their is many ideas I have in mind and in the end it can be completely different. I'm glad some of you liked it and gave me some credit on the time it took me to do it. Thanks. As for the homeless guy, he is based on a real person. lol, I was walking on the blum viadoc and the guy calls me over. He seem to be passive so I did not take him as a threat, he ask me " Do you have any timber lad? " He had a thick Irish accent, the irony was killing me! I would get up with him from time to time. He would just tell me these crazy storys man. He would cook Oscar myer hot dogs on a campfire grill type of thing, and they where off the chain! I'm telling you man, stadium hot dogs, no joke.

Here is one of the shorter storys he told me. He spoke some what like this.

" I had been at the pub lad, I had me a scotch on the rocks I did. Down me a couple of shots, and pick me up some trim mate. She was strong lass, she had a strong chest mate. I enjoyed me stay."

I'm not sure what a pub is but I think he was on PCP not scotch. Then after a while me and my friends would visit him often to laugh at the storys he would tell us. He was dead serious about all of them, lol.


Edit 1

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
I didn't read past the first sentence (well, you have it as two sentences, but that's only due to a total lack of comprehension of how punctuation works), but NO, it's not a good story idea. If you actually do think it's a good idea, don't go around giving it away for free on the internet. Write a script or outline for it, then register it with the WGA. Otherwise, if it was an idea somebody else liked, they could take it from you and you couldn't do a thing about it legally.

Not that I suspect you'll have that problem.
You only read the first sentence. How would you know if it's good or not? I thought I made it clear that the spelling was going to be bad if that was your problem. I would like to hear a story from you. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but this guy seems to just want to talk smack to me without even reading the story first. You could have at least done these two things,

1. Read the story

2. Say something like this " That story isn't good but it is your first try. Clean up the spelling "

That would have not been offensive but still brutally honest at the same time.

And another thing, I never stated in any way shape or form that I think this is a good story. So if that little sentence came to mind I know for a fact your trying to be offensive.


A pub is a bar

Keep up the work, continue writing, if you're willing to put this much time into it and that amount for a brainstorm i'm pretty sure you'll do well

Good luck

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Thanks a bunch man. You are good motivation. I'm working on it right now.


Write write write!

Keep working on what is obviously a passion. I will be blunt enough to say that I think Holden and I will agree that you really have a lot of work to do with regard to your grammar and other writing skills. However, Holden's attitude makes me want to reach through the screen and give him a quick backhand to the balls, and I have no doubt at all that with practice you will sharpen your skills and write some very good stuff. Keep it up, man.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Originally Posted by firegod
However, Holden's attitude makes me want to reach through the screen and give him a quick backhand to the balls...
Gonna have to say no to the offer of your hand on my balls, Sunshine. I simply don't swing that way.

But I do miss you 'round these here parts, Firegod. The roaring chuckles I'd get everytime you praised Instinct as a masterpiece were delightful. Come on back, y'hear?

And of course, that has everything to do with what we were talking about. We were discussing my unconventional movie taste among overly pretentious movie buffs, and not your insensitive, unproductive, juvenile attitudes about other people's passions. Hmm, wait a minute; all sarcasm aside, maybe your comment was right on point afterall...

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
lol, yes, my grammer skills are very bad. I have lots of passions, writing is sort of one of them but I read alot more then I write.

Randomly visiting for now
Originally Posted by Gods_third_leg
Reading is great
heh that's such a vague comment....anyway I dug your story Butcher for the most part. however if it became a movie then all the characters dying and the whole world being killed won't sit well with audiences or more importantly production companies.

Have you ever seen the movie Butterfly Effect the writers/directors had to fight for such a long time to shoot the film the way they wanted it and for the theatrical release they had to shoot a different ending because the production companies forced them to. The DVD ending results in him killing himself, but even with this sad moment it somehow ends up as a happy ending.....lets just say audiences like happy endings....or at least positive endings.

The part at the end where Ridle kills Romon even though he is under Romon's control doesn't really make sense, how does he break out of his control? how can he feel greed if he is being manipulated entirely by Romon? But I liked the idea of the different powers and the black mask clan were interesting, plus some details of Romon and Ridle's showdowns could be cool! All I meant by the 'ending' part was that there has to be some degree of positiveness like maybe there are some survivors on earth or Ridle feels bad and brings people back to life?? or something like that?? Just my opinion man, but keep up the writing k.

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
I did not see your responce, I will read it later, very busy.

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
There's no possible way I am going to read anything you wrote beyond the first paragraph because it's very poorly presented, (the main thing is just the sheer volume of words. In pretty much everything in life, space is very important) but my general interest is piqued (although to be honest, I have a very piquable[?] interest) so here's an idea, why don't you pitch it to me, as if I were a producer. The idea is you keep it short, simple and give me the highlights, the summary and what you're trying to achieve. But most importantly, short. Go on, do it, you know you want to. It's something you'll have to do anyway if you want to take the concept anywhere

Incidentally, not to be rude or presumptuous, but if you have time to come on here and post, you're obviously not that busy, or at least not too busy to read through his comment and respond to it.
Mr M Rides Again

MoFo Survivor - r3port3r66 wins!!!!!!

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
There's no possible way I am going to read anything you wrote beyond the first paragraph because it's very poorly presented, (the main thing is just the sheer volume of words. In pretty much everything in life, space is very important) but my general interest is piqued (although to be honest, I have a very piquable[?] interest) so here's an idea, why don't you pitch it to me, as if I were a producer. The idea is you keep it short, simple and give me the highlights, the summary and what you're trying to achieve. But most importantly, short. Go on, do it, you know you want to. It's something you'll have to do anyway if you want to take the concept anywhere

Incidentally, not to be rude or presumptuous, but if you have time to come on here and post, you're obviously not that busy, or at least not too busy to read through his comment and respond to it.
Ok, thanks for the comment. But what are you trying to say. I don't understand alot of those words!

To FireGod- Don't shorten your sig, I want to read it.


Check out my blog!

Never liked holden all that much, but gotta agree with him on this one. I read three sentences and stopped. The most important part of the story is the first line. Work on that first.
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