Movie you refuse to watch


Pretentious Bio Picks that are only made to win oscars (The Iron Lady, King's Speech, American Sniper, The Theory of Everything, 12 years a slave)

I don't mind ones that have historical importance like The Imitation Game or Shindler's List
American Sniper was not pretentious. Theory of Everything totally was though.

There are very few things that I refuse to watch out of general principle based on subject matter or personal politics. I have watched films that while I may not agree with the politics of the director or author (or source material) but still enjoy the film. Hell Hunter S Thompson and I will see very little eye to eye politically but dammit all to hell I love the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and the movie is one of my top ten favorite films of all time. In fact some movies that deal with politics I agree with that piss me off. I'm looking at you Dead Man Walking! As for subject matter if I think a movie may be morally objectionable, if I want to complain about it, I have to actually see it. Not necessarily see it in the theater, but eventually. The closest thing to an exception would be any movie starring Hanoi Jane, but even then I still saw The China Syndrome to complete the AFI Thrillers list.

If I do refuse to watch a movie it is because I have seen 3-4 movies by the director and I don't care for the movies, or certain actors I can't stand.