A movie about making a difference in college



I can't the name of a movie. What I do remember:
A young woman in college. First she thought that everything is fine with the life there but she began to notice a few wrong things like the fact that women there suppose to have sex with appointed men, like arranged sex, but not for money, for some interests.
She didn't agreed with the wrong and tried to change things. Along the way that change prove to be more of a challenge than she realized and at some point she doubted if it's worth it. Something like if she understood the ethics right.

What I'm not sure about: if the action is in a college.
Most likely is a Hollywood movie and was released not more than 20 years ago.

I hope you don't mind I refresh this. I don't have my answer yet.

The only thing that is coming to mind as close is Mona Lisa Smile (2003).

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

what genre is the movie *
The only genre I could think of is Pleasantville 1998. Only that the situation is in reversed. Things were bad and she tries to make it right. Is not an action movie like Die hard.

@ Holden Pike. Thank you for the try but is not that one.

The only genre I could think of is Pleasantville 1998. Only that the situation is in reversed. Things were bad and she tries to make it right. Is not an action movie like Die hard.
havent seen pleasantville for ages, well i need to rewatch it to memorise the movie. i need to google the movie u looking for *

Registered User
is it ? The Girl in the Book (2015)

@nameit is not that one.