Help with sci-fi movie title....


I saw this movie about three years ago through Netflix. What I can remember is that it was a sci-fi flick, where the government
controls everything. They use children psychics to walk around and point out the deviant thinkers. Everyone wears dark blue or black in the movie. There is an elite police squad that are expert marksman. They are trained to go into this trance whereas they see things in slow motion and in complete darkness. Sort of like a martial art style of gun play, very much like a John Woo type of movie. Not a US movie, probably British. That is all I can remember.

That's it!!!! How do you do that Loner? Take obscure pieces of movies and come up with their titles.

Thank you!
When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams.