Watching the SBS1 TV doco1 on Franco Zeffirelli yesterday made me think about the comparisons and contrasts between the life of a writer and that of a producer and director. Of course, I became especially interested in how his creative activity was similar or different from mine. Each writer, each producer and director, has a different story. Zeffirelli will soon be 90 and I will soon be 70; he was an entre deux guerres baby and I was a war baby; he has achieved fame and wealth; I am an unknown, financially comfortable but far from wealthy. My wife would call us poor. -Ron Price with thanks to 1”Franco Zeffirelli,” SBS1TV, 2:30-3:30 p.m., 5 February 2011.

Comparisons are odious,1
but inevitable in life, and
more inevitable for some
of us as we journey life’s
path….Your mother died
when you were 6 & mine
when I was 33; you went
for the theatre in your 20s
and I went for university &
a teaching career……..You
went for Catholicism and I
went for the Baha’i Faith!*

Homosexuality seemed to
be in your bones while the
heat of sex turned me into
heterosexuality—and both
of us kept our sexual-style
all our lives…By the 1990s
and 2000s you were getting
knighted and receiving so
many honours and I was
retiring from decades of
work as a teacher…I wish
you well, Franco, in your
years on this mortal coil
that remain with Jesus in
the very depths of your
spirit as Baha’u’llah is in
mine: two men, one spirit.2

1 Comparisons are odious, Proverbs 141; comparisons are odorous, Much Ado About Nothing, act 3, sc. 5; Sir John Fortescue (c. 1394-1476), comparisons are odious, De Laudibus Leg. Angliæ, Chap. xix.
2 Franco Zeffirelli, Wikipedia, 6 February 2011

Ron Price
6 February 2011
married for 48 years, a teacher for 32, a student for 18, a writer and editor for 16, and a Baha'i for 56(in 2015)