Animal stories, photos, movies, books. Feel good stuff.


Didn't even know there was a Humane Society International. Thanks.
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

I expected to hear "My heart will go on" accompanying the hair.
Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien.
Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta

You've got red on you!
LOL BoxOfficePoison! I passed by some pet costumes while I was shopping the other day and was sort of tempted to get one for the dog. I'm pretty sure my cat would claw me to shreds if I attempted to dress him up!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Tempted to get this for demented pug

but it's too hot for clothes here for halloween

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I love sharks even if I'm scared of them. They're so smiley.

I hadn't heard about this before, but this is pretty exciting:

This stuff makes me feel good. Hopefully it will catch on in these parts!
It sure is exciting. I financially support Best Friends, which is mentioned in the article.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

We've done some medical work for their sanctuary (it's just a few hours from us).
No kidding. Best place. Ever. And one day I will come to Utah & volunteer there for a week. Started by a fellow Brit, by the way.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Parkhour, aka baby horse schadenfreude, then one jumps the fence Ohhhhh