If you could make a movie based on your life....


I thought of something that may be pretty fun. If you could make a movie based on your life..........

1). What would you call it?
2). What would it be about?

and most importantly

3). Who would play the part of you?

Please, do feel free to add any other details that you wish. Such as:
- a director
- a writer
- the movie company/distributor
- those who should play the others in your life within your movie

and anything else you can think of.


My life isn't written very well.
I think I'd call my movie: The Broken Mosaic

It would be about my life of course. I've done many things, had many experiences, and cared for many people during them. I've managed a movie theater, managed a restraunt, been a nurses aid, a barista, a college student, a model, an actor, a TV reporter, a print reporter, a cashier and a Veterinarian assistant. I feel like the people I meet in my life have stories of their own and I'm glad to have met them. It is my honest opinion that every person needs to talk and be understood. I feel like I can listen to anyone if they care to talk. Yes, my movie would be about my life, and the people who have touched it.

As far as who would play me: I like Johnny Depp!
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Its funny you ask. Im actually writing a short film about my life. Well, based on my life anyways. Im not sure who would play me. Im not much of an actor, but an unknown would probably be best. Director? myself . I'll keep you all informed.

2)about a guy who's agoraphobic
3)Edward Norton

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Title: Gypsy
Tagline: "Sometimes you have to travel really far to find home."
Star: Cate Blanchett
Director: Terry Gilliam
Writer: Alfred Brooks
Distributor: Focus Films
Also starring: Shirley MacLaine as my mom... Sandra Bernhard as my sister...
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I have plans for my own movie in the nigh future, but its not really about my life, its more about this life and the things in this life. Yall see it, and thats all i'm saying.

Good post.
Why are you trying to make fun of me?
You think it's funny? What the **** you think it's doing to me?
You take your turn lashing out at me
I want you crying when you're bloody down in front of me

All of my hate cannot be bound
I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming
So you can try to tear me down
Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming


Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Title: Pen to paper
Tagline: She was hard up for material...so she wrote about herself
Star: Selma Blair/Katie Holmes/Natasha Lyonne
Director: anyone who would be kind enough to take pity on this movie
Writer: Someone like Helen Fielding
Distributor: whoever i dont care
Also starring: Jane Fonda as my mom
Someone diva like to play my sister
Johnathan Lipnicki to my sweet brother josh
Someone devillish 12 year old to play my brother
Ralph Fiennes to play my pops

Randomly visiting for now
1) I would call it "A Child's eyes"
2) It would be about how I discovered what really gives a person substance; not their money/clothes/job/race but who they are when they stop caring about what everyone else thinks. It's then that you meet real people and it was this realisation that allowed me to become a real person IMO. The reason I called this movie "Child Eyes" is that recently I met up with a childhood friend of mine, who had recently been in trouble with the law, got kicked out of school for drug use and thus my parents told me not to spend time with him when he came back. Of course I still met with him to have a chat with him and make up my own mind and when I looked in his eyes I still saw that same tiny boy who got his lunch money stolen in 3rd grade by Mike Greensley. His earings & troubled past didn't seem to really change him at all, he just chose that path because that's what he felt was what he wanted. The film would be about a search for something; a purpose, a place, a sense of belonging. My search + my place + my belonging to be specific .

3) I would play myself probably, because I wouldn't trust anybody else to play the part. So it probably wouldn't make that much money, but hey it would be fun .

I always said if a movie was to be made of my life I would want Wesley Snipes playing me. This causes most people to giggle and ask why, since I am a white, female, aussie...

Well because I like his movies and they are always full of action and butt kicking! So I would want to watch the end product!

Never really thought past the actor playing me.... but a working title could be "The Ramblings of an insane woman"

And if Wes Craven could direct it, man that would be awesome!
The Furry Crew
"He wasn't JUST a horse.... He was the BEST!"

"If you could make a movie based on your life...."

I wouldn't. MarkF would never believe it.

I thought of something that may be pretty fun. If you could make a movie based on your life..........

1). What would you call it?
2). What would it be about?

and most importantly

3). Who would play the part of you?

Please, do feel free to add any other details that you wish. Such as:
- a director
- a writer
- the movie company/distributor
- those who should play the others in your life within your movie

and anything else you can think of.


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Holy cow! I just made 'how kinky are you?' test and got:
You like it rough, different and kinky. So bring out the whips and chains, spank you very much!
If I was to make a film about my life, though it would be 2 hour long take of a guy sitting alone in his room with PC on watching films & posting on MoFo. Realism is the most important, after all.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

This is something I've been thinking about for awhile now. I want to write a screenplay or a book, but am not sure where to begin. I'm supposed to meet up with an old friend in the writing business; I just have to go and do it. Dreaming, I'd have Martin Scorsese or even Ben Affleck(since I'm in Boston) direct. I can't figure out who would play me; I like Casey Affleck but he's kind of short. Playing my wife should be Naomi Watts. It would be a combination of Drive, Leaving Las Vegas, The Gambler, and something else I can't say or I would give it away. Just a dream probably, but the few people who know about it think it's a fascinating story.

Make a better place
I love the idea of this thread

the only thing I can think of is the actor who plays me.

I actually didn't have to think at all, it immediately came to me

John Travolta, I think that we have a very similar personality, that's why I'd choose him (of course I don't know him in person, I say that based on the interviews that I've seen of him)
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais