129 sequels in development



(Note this list is about 4 months old)


Honestly a lot of movies that look extremely appealing. X-Men Apocalypse, Pacific Rim 2, Dredd 2, Wreck it Ralph 2 and a lot more. I hope most of these proposed sequels don't suck.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Sherlock Holmes 3, Avengers 2,and X-Men: Apocalypse all sound pretty good to me. I might watch the third Hobbit movie if Jackson doesn't stretch a measly 100 pages for nearly three hours like he did with the first one.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

I could never get into the new Sherlock Holmes movies and the last Hobbit really soured me on the trilogy (after enjoying the first Hobbit movie).

This list makes me sad. Enough sequels already
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

I am not the worlds biggest fan of sequels, however that being said based on the list I would want to see:

Rounders 2

I am not sure this is needed but if it is a good as the first I will watch it.

Terminator: Genesis

If it makes up for Terminator Salvation I will forgive them but my hope is not high.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2

The first was a joy to behold, funny, charming and heart warming, if the same people are brought back I have no problem with this.

Trainspotting 2

This is a bit of a "meh" one for me, I like Trainspotting, I like Danny Boyle but I am just sure about this.

American Pie 5

I enjoyed American Reunion a lot more than I thought I would, as long as it has the original cast I will see this.

Beverly Hills Cop 4

This will be hit or miss for me, if it is good I will walk away smiling, if not I will just think "oh well another one bites the dust"

Clerks III

Supposedly Smith's final film so it is a must for me, I still like the characters from Clerks and Clerks 2 so this is a must see for me.
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