Anthony Bourdain Has Died


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Watching his show right now its sad to know he was so alone and depressed that he would kill himself. RIP Anthony.

I think that this exemplifies how different we can be. Joe Rogan had a little insight on Bourdain that was interesting, as well as how Maynard Keenan was the one that broke the news to him.

My neighbor had his memorial service today and it makes me think about the life and death morality question. He was 83 and spent the last years of his life on dialysis and slowly deteriorating. Is a life in pain worth living? What is pain?

I'm nowhere close to being intellectual enough for these discussions, but the questions pop up. I mean, I think about being buried vs. cremated. What's to keep someone from building a 7-11 over you 20 years after you die.