NedStarks 75 Most Beautiful Actresses.


Ned, I'm so sorry! I posted those pics on your page, totally thinking I was on a certain other page. I will take care of that problem post haste.

EDIT: foster, thank you for that video. Channing is a lucky, lucky man! As an aside, I totally cannot stand that wench Chrissy Teigen! She is only halfway good-looking to me, and she does not add anything to the show. In fact, she detracts from the lip synching we're supposed to be watching whenever the camera cuts over to her lip synching to the song. Every performance she does this. Then LL Cool J asks her what she thought of each performance. Who cares what she thinks, if she's capable of doing so! Anyway, rant over.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I personally think they should have a Lip Sync Battle Master Like Jimmy Fallen or the ones who invented the game and They compete for the Crown as well against the others.

I personally think they should have a Lip Sync Battle Master Like Jimmy Fallen or the ones who invented the game and They compete for the Crown as well against the others.
I agree with this. I'm not the biggest Fallon fan, but I think the lip sync battles he has on his show are top-notch. Check out the one against Emma Stone on YouTube. She was unbelievable, and Fallon's battles are all about the person lip syncing, not the reactions of other people. Hell, on Lip Sync Battle, half the time the camera is away from the performer and you can't even see their lips or how well they're doing.

Thanks for Aubrey Plaza. Man, she is hot! Those eyes are just mesmerizing.

That might be one of the least sexy things I've ever seen a woman do. Demi Moore was sexier in Striptease for crying out loud and she can't move at all.

I don't care for Aubrey, but she does have great eyes.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

That might be one of the least sexy things I've ever seen a woman do. Demi Moore was sexier in Striptease for crying out loud and she can't move at all.

I don't care for Aubrey, but she does have great eyes.
You don't find athleticism sexy?
She out magic-miked magic mike. She was recreating this scene.

You don't find athleticism sexy?
Not really. I find women sexy and each individual woman. A women being athletic doesn't automatically make her sexy or attractive to me. Not that it makes her unattractive either.

She can't move well enough to pull off (if you'll pardon the pun) a dance like that. I thought she looked ridiculous. She doesn't have natural rhythm. Courtney Cox does a better job as Far Monica.

Jlaw reminds me of the woman in all those Christopher Guest movies.

Im gonna start and make a Top 100 Hottest Actresses The 90s Edition. The reason I picked the 90s is because it was the era when I as a teen druled over in my view the class of really hot women. No offense too girls on my current list but my idea of beauty was different when I was a teenager. There are pretty girls today and from the 2000's but I think people should see beauty that some my age may recall on here.

Im gonna start and make a Top 100 Hottest Actresses The 90s Edition. The reason I picked the 90s is because it was the era when I as a teen druled over in my view the class of really hot women. No offense too girls on my current list but my idea of beauty was different when I was a teenager. There are pretty girls today and from the 2000's but I think people should see beauty that some my age may recall on here.
That'll be interesting for us Nineties lads – I'm not sure whether my idea of beauty has changed over the years, actually. It doesn't seem that way.