Pulp fiction (1994)

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I learn the most from making my own mistakes
do you guys have any thoughts on Quentin Tarantino's classic pulp fiction? It was pretty damn awesome in my opinion

“Oh great! Real Bullets!”
A classic with some great performances and memorable scenes, it rejuvenated John Travolta's career for a while and put Samuel L Jackson firmly on the map!

I liked that it was linked to Reservoir Dogs with the use of the Vega brothers, I remember reading that Tarantino once mentioned he wanted to do a Vega brothers prequel and also a WWII film featuring their father.

Seen it many times when it was new because everybody watched it. Watched it last year first time since I don't know when. Good movie, all-star cast. After a while though it becomes "this movie represents these things: overdosing, ass fcking and verbal slurs" so you appreciate it was a good movie but don't want to bring up those themes often so you'd rather watch something else.