Creepy YouTube Videos


I've been watching a different Takashi Ito short every day on my lunch break for the past few weeks. Have you already posted this one?

I haven't seen that one, but I'll check it out tonight. Also, glad I was able to introduce you to Ito. I had a feeling you'd be into his films.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Don't entirely agree with Buscemi. Yes he has a very unique appearance, but whenever he plays a sympathetic character he does so excellently. It doesn't become a distraction.

Anyway, one of the creepiest non-fictional videos for me is this one.
Love Sirico's work with all my heart, but it's almost hard to look at him the same way after seeing this interview. There's a pretty disturbing implication being made, and I'm not the only one to see it.

If you want creepy videos. You have to follow this guy DEADTEMPOVISIONS on instagram. He creates AI videos of nightmarish, otherworldly ghouls and monsters but they are actually very beautiful images too.