Where do you get your movies?


A total mixture.

I went to see 'Us' in the cinema
I just bought a newly released exclusive artwork version of 'Incendies' BluRay
I watched 'Booksmart' via a link on the internet to my TV
I downloaded 'The VVitch' in 4K as I haven't got a 4K BluRay player yet
I'm off to see a Director's Q&A at my local art house cinema next week

I also buy books and DVDs at flea markets or using classified advertisements websites bc they are cheaper there. And ofc, I stream movies on Netflix.

I usually buy DVDs from stores and charity shops.

The trick is not minding
Multiple sources. I still buy DVD and Blu-ray when I can. I rewatch them on occasion when I feel up to refreshing them in my memory.
I also stream from multiple services: Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix.
I know also rent from the movie rental down the road and plan on doing the same from the local Library this weekend.

⬆️ Amazing that you have a movie rental to visit.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

The trick is not minding
⬆️ Amazing that you have a movie rental to visit.
I know, I’m was absolutely floored when I discovered it upon moving here nearly a year ago. Great selection from What I’ve seen.
I missed the days of going into a Hollywood Video and just going through the aisles and checking out all the foreign films I hadn’t ever heard of at that time. (Circa 2000-2005)

⬆️ I remember Hollywood Video very well. We had a big one opposite Super Stop & Shop. Closed now along with Blockbuster, et al.

Streams or DVDs when I couln't find a Stream Online.

You’re the disease, and I’m the cure.
Pawn Shops and Thrift Stores
“I really have to feel that I could make a difference in the movie, or I shouldn't be doing it.“
Joe Dante

Do I dare ask how Streams and Stream Online are different?
I think he was saying that he watches the movie on dvd if he can’t find it online to stream.

those are good places to find childhood movies and video games. we call them op shops and pawn brokers here
We have a place called "Vintage Stock". You can get dvds cheaper than new for some.

I believe they may ship everywhere.. even overseas if you are willing to pay.


The trick is not minding
I’ve mentioned this previously but, in Hagerstown there is a book/movie rental store called Wonder Books that has a rather large selection of films that I frequent.
I love browsing there. Makes me nostalgic for the old days

We have a place called "Vintage Stock". You can get dvds cheaper than new for some.

I believe they may ship everywhere.. even overseas if you are willing to pay.

oh really and it would cost alot to pay cause here its always expensive which is sucks

IMHO, "Streaming" isn't there yet, so I like to own as much physical media as possible.

My haunts for physical media:

Amazon, (and their international branches)
Varied Other "Independent Media Distributors", (this is for really hard to find/obscure cinema.)

Classic example of "Streaming," (especially in this day and age), not being there yet is everyone in Hollywood now has a political agenda and Disney+ is sooo into it. Like editing Daryl Hannah's bare naked bottom in Splash, or the re-edited, re-re-edited, and the re-re-re-master-re-edit of Star Wars, or dare I bring up Song of the South.

Then The Simpsons took out an entire episode because it featured Michael Jackson as a guest voice actor.

South Park was edited so that if you want certain episodes you need to own the physical media DVDs.

Or HBO and the Gone with the Wind fiasco, which literally frosted me because I wanted to legitimately buy the Blu-ray Box Set, now, good luck finding it, or if you do, prepare to bid your whole months salary to get a copy!

On and on, etc. etc. ... Excuse me while I make my way around their "virtue signaling" and shotty attempts to wipe history under a rug...

Then there is the issue of bonus features ... good luck there ... physical media destroys in that department.

Then there's another issue where, (sometimes), the titles you like expire and are taken down. So you "never really truly owned them," someone else did.

Garbage. Utter Garbage.

Anyway, in the words of T. Hanks: "That's all I got to say about that."
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage