2008 - What films will you see ?


I'm just looking forward for SAW 5 this year...more revelations and twist as expected.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
(copied from my post on summer releases)

10,000 B.C.

Roland Emmerich is a true genius, and a spectaculair blockbuster director. Looking from the trailer, the effects look awesome, backed up by a good enough premise.

The Wackness

I am a big fan of Ben Kingsley since I have seen Schindler's List, and very under-rated in You Kill Me, also with Josh Peck from one of my favorite shows, Drake and Josh? I'm in!


Getting great reviews at Sundance and being based off a book written by the man who wrote Fight Club? I'll buy the 1st ticket!

Smart People

Juno's Ellen Page in a new movie with the great Dennis Quaid? Heck yes!

Burn after Reading

Joel and Ethan Coen writing/directing Oscar nominees George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, and John Malkovich? Intresting premise? I'm going to go!
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Originally Posted by Lennon
I am a big fan of Ben Kingsley since I have seen Schindler's List, and very under-rated in You Kill Me...
You Kill Me was OK, and Ben is by far the best thing about it and a reason to rent it, but it never quite kicks into a higher gear. As far as hitman comedies, it's simply not on the same level as flicks such as Grosse Pointe Blank and In Bruges. It just ain't. But the opening scene with Kingsely shoveling the snow off his walk like only an alcoholic can, that alone makes it worth the price of a rental.

ANYway, there are some great movies with even better Kingsley, and since you didn't mention them I don't know if you've forgotten about 'em or just haven't seen them. Sexy Beast is amazing and he was robbed of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar that year (Jim Broadbent won for Iris). Don Logan is a character you will never forget. He is frippin' fantastic as the proud and stubborn Behrani in House of Sand & Fog. I think he's just as great in Polanski's Death and the Maiden as the man who may or may not be Sigourney Weaver's former torturer. And damn Without a Clue is a fun little movie that has been forgotten but needs to be rediscovered, with Ben's brilliant Dr. Watson foiled by Michael Caine's egotistical and relentlessly stupid Sherlock Holmes. And I believe he was in a little something called Gandhi.

He appears in some out and out crap too, but even in a horrid film he's often magnetic and totally believable on screen.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
You Kill Me was OK, and Ben is by far the best thing about it and a reason to rent it, but it never quite kicks into a higher gear. As far as hitman comedies, it's simply not on the same level as flicks such as Grosse Pointe Blank and In Bruges. It just ain't. But the opening scene with Kingsely shoveling the snow off his walk like only an alcoholic can, that alone makes it worth the price of a rental.

ANYway, there are some great movies with even better Kingsley, and since you didn't mention them I don't know if you've forgotten about 'em or just haven't seen them. Sexy Beast is amazing and he was robbed of the Best Supporting Actor Oscar that year (Jim Broadbent won for Iris). Don Logan is a character you will never forget. He is frippin' fantastic as the proud and stubborn Behrani in House of Sand & Fog. I think he's just as great in Polanski's Death and the Maiden as the man who may or may not be Sigourney Weaver's former torturer. And damn Without a Clue is a fun little movie that has been forgotten but needs to be rediscovered, with Ben's brilliant Dr. Watson foiled by Michael Caine's egotistical and relentlessly stupid Sherlock Holmes. And I believe he was in a little something called Gandhi.

He appears in some out and out crap too, but even in a horrid film he's often magnetic and totally believable on screen.
I know about his great performances, but just for some reason, I love You Kill Me, I liked this little tidbit from it

Frank Falenczyk: Are you pregnant?
Laurel Pearson: No! Unless you put something in my egg-roll. And then put the egg-roll in my...

James Bond 22:
Al Pacino cast as the leader of the terrorist group.
Now tell me that doesn't make you want to go and see it.
+ Rep appreciated

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
James Bond 22:
Al Pacino cast as the leader of the terrorist group.
Now tell me that doesn't make you want to go and see it.

No he's not cast.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
IMDB Quantum of Solice page
Al Pacino's IMDB Page

IMDB staff checks the cast and his credits, don't worry

also they are filming, and I think a big role like that would be cast

after a google search I did find a page here and it says

Now take this whole thing with a huge grain of salt because there is no proof or official word,

Fair enough.
Considering I read it on MX (A paper they make so you're not bored on Melbourne's train system) I may have jumped the gun a bit.
Sorry, Lennon.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Fair enough.
Considering I read it on MX (A paper they make so you're not bored on Melbourne's train system) I may have jumped the gun a bit.
Sorry, Lennon.
No prob, I did give you -rep because you said it like it was a done deal, not a rumour circulating

I know, I saw.
I understand, I figure it can only get better :P
Should be a good movie though, Daniel Craig was excellent in Casino Royale.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
also there is
Two Lovers

I am curious to see how the people from We Own the Night will handle a romantic-drama. Plus Gwyneth Paltrow, is amazing to look at and a damn fine actress.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I know, I saw.
I understand, I figure it can only get better :P
Should be a good movie though, Daniel Craig was excellent in Casino Royale.
not bad in Layer Cake either

Originally posted by Lennon
not bad in Layer Cake either
Yeah, not bad at all.
Argh, what's that British gangster movie I'm thinking of..
Not Daniel Craig, rather.. Vinnie Jones and a little kid..

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Yeah, not bad at all.
Argh, what's that British gangster movie I'm thinking of..
Not Daniel Craig, rather.. Vinnie Jones and a little kid..
what did they do? That'd help my search.

Nah, it was Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.
Vinnie Jones is Big Chris and the kid is Little Chris.
Or something.
That was a good British gangster movie.

My apologies for the double post, but another movie I want to see is Rendition.
Called "the perfect movie" by one of either Ebert/Roeper?

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
My apologies for the double post, but another movie I want to see is Rendition.
Called "the perfect movie" by one of either Ebert/Roeper?
not a 2008 film, but a 2008 DVD release. Either way, awesome movie.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I still don't think it's out here.
Or maybe it is, and I'm lazy.
Either way, definitely on the DVD list.
ahh Holden Pike did just tell me you are in Australia, and it just released yesterday in theaters, get on it boy!