Wow you're already good. Nice photos! I especially liked the composition of the old tools, that's my favorite photo. How did you do that one? What was the focal length you used and aperture? Did you use auto exposure or manual exposure.
That was also my favorite picture. After taking the picture of the pumpkin, I was getting outside and I saw the old plastic chair, that no one dares to sit at, and I though it would be a very good background pattern, the original color is a very wasted purple (will post tomorrow with color using the RAW file). The tools were already there, I just pushed the saw more for the inside so I could take the picture of the wooden handle, it's actually the only one I really liked and the easiest one to take. I used manual exposure in all of them, on that one it was 100 ISO, F4.5 and 1/50 shutter speed. I didn't thought about the focal length while taking the picture, I'm trying to find that info on the camera picture info, but is no where to be fond, anyway, my focal lens is 18-55mm, it was the most cheap and generic to buy with the Canon 600D, back in 2011, that's something I need to look into it; how the focal lens affect the picture, I don't really know much about it. The other photos I didn't really liked that much, but was all more an experiment, I just posted to keep the thread alive. My battery was running low, was about to start raining and getting darker, I didn't wanted to take pictures with a tripe or compensate with ISO, so I took them all fast, the only one I took more than once or twice was the pumpkin and it was the one I most disliked and the one I actually learned more, I was getting a lot of light from one side and very dark on the side I was trying to take the picture. There are two things I'm dying to take a picture of, just to see how it's like: fog and light coming out of a shadow/darkness, like a open window in a sunny day in January.