MovieForums Changes: Take Part!


Hi loyal flick fans,

As you'll notice, there have been some changes to MovieForums...I've moved the post icons to the top of each post now, add a bit more info about each user under their username, customized a few things and have done my best to get rid of the "cluttered" look near the top of the forums with all the program's default text...I've also customized many error messages and email notifications...tried to make them a bit funnier; hope you like 'em!

Anyway, up next is a new main logo, new "new thread" and "post reply" graphics, as well as new graphics for the five buttons you see up in the top-right hand corner of this page...

If anyone has any suggestions, you can reply here, or if you don't like posting for some reason, you can contact me here...I'd love to get some feedback from all of you on how I can improve this...

For example: do you like the yellow links? Can you recommend another color for them, or another color for them to change to in "hover mode"? Any suggestions are appreciated and EVERY suggestion will be considered!

Thanks again, hopefully together we'll be able to build a thriving community for all fans of film.

Registered User
Sorry I didn't get to send you the logo yesterday. I have been a bit stocked up with stuff the past day or so. I will get them to you soon. If I have time I'll do a matching set post/reply etc buttons as well. I'll send you some examples today or tomorrow.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I fell asleep during the Titanic

Don't apologize! I hope you didn't take that post as me bugging you, take all the time you need, just wanted feedback from everyone on the subject.

If you don't mind matching buttons that'd be great...just the "post reply" or "new thread" buttons would be best...I wanna take a crack at the 5 up top on my own.

To everyone else: Gary here (Gem) is working on a logo for MovieForums, as are two or three other people...looks good so far for this site!

Registered User
Personally I really like the color of the links. It's subtle yet you can still see it.

Keep it, in my opinion..


A new logo is nearly ready, expect it to be up by August 1st...and if I manage to get anything done, I'll try to have new accompanying graphics on the board as big whoop, but it should definetly make the site look slicker.

In addition, I've just gotten an email confirming that MovieForums will be added to Yahoo!'s Directory! This should REALLY help get more people in here...Yahoo can be quite picky, and this will be my first site listed there, so this could really help get things moving; let's hope so!

Keep posting ya'll. And glad you like the yellow links Quinn, I guess they'll stay then! I might make them brighter, I dunno...remains to be seen.

Thanks again everyone, continue to feel free to post your thoughts here, MovieForums is just an empty board without you guys, so I'm here to please.

For the most part , it looks great!

Try making the logo a bit more "movie-ish" maybe put some popcorn around it or something

Also, I would lighten up the board a bit

Great site though! It's on my bookmarks...

Woohoo, we've been bookmarked!

Popcorn eh? Not a bad of now there's no plans for popcorn in the logo, but I'll try to stick some film/popcorn images around here somewhere if possible...that should really make this place more friendly...however I definetly want to keep this basic color scheme; black and grey fits the movies well, so I'll use some of these graphics to try to lighten it up.

Keep the suggestions coming!

Although black and grey does go with the movie theme, I think they are 1) Depressing 2) Ugly 3) Would make the site look MUCH more friendly...

Just my suggestion, but I do think you should change the color scheme.

I appreciate the suggestion, but am definetly set with this has its down sides, but it also has its upsides...I can understand it being a tad depressing, but ugly? I dunno about that.

Either way, I don't think people will either post here or not post here based on the color scheme so long as I stay away from light text in the posts with a dark BG...the posts will remain light grey with black text at least, since white text on a black background is very hard to read.

Another quick update: most of the changes involving the graphics/logo and such will take place either August 1st or August 2nd, depending on when I get around to it.

After the look of the board is basically where I want it to be, I'll start promoting this bad boy to get some more flick fans in here!

If anyone here is interested in helping to promote MovieForums let me know.

My life isn't written very well.
8 years ago...when links were yellow, and there were old graphics for "the five buttons you see up in the top-right hand corner of this page... "

...and only 10 replies!

I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?