Random Acts Of Kindness Towards Sick/Injured Animals.


@Dannii - I've changed my mind re the puppy, she should definitely be called "Siffre"

Told you I was good at naming things
You've thought of some great names Chyp! 😍. Reckon mum will have the final say as i heard her on the fone earlier saying 'we're picking Lulu up on Monday ', that's kinda finalised it, but Lulu gets my surname so i'm happy with that!

Mum and i have decided to get a puppy Labrador, she's gonna mind her while i'm at work. Haven't decided on a name yet but i'm thinking of something different and unique.
I just got a new German shepherd bitch. Her name is Dixie. We already have a male called Jack but he is really getting really old now. He's the sweetest dog on the face of the earth. It'm not sure about her yet.

BTW, that picture of the weird carcass that washed up in Texas is apparently some kind of eel that lives in the deep ocean. Must have been washed ashore by the hurricane. Horrible looking thing....😱
I love German Shepherds, dad had 2 when we were growing up, gorgeous dogs with a lovely nature😍. Is that the eel that has no eyes? Mum mentioned that last night.

I love German Shepherds, dad had 2 when we were growing up, gorgeous dogs with a lovely nature😍. Is that the eel that has no eyes? Mum mentioned that last night.
Yeah I love them too. This is the third GS we've had. First on was very fierce and we had to give him away. The second one is a total sweetheart but scares people to death with his huge fangs, lol. No one enters my garden without my allowing them in. Then he turns into man's best friend. I also had a black Lab - very friendly and would eat anything - used to steal chickens and packs of butter off the kitchen counters. Needless to say, he became quite fat.

Re the eel - I guess it is. They say it lives deep in the ocean which might account for the no eyes. Dark down there....

I had a black Labrador, he lived to be 16,he was going blind and lost a lot of weight so had to make that dreaded decision which is a blessing when the time comes. I often check a dog or a cat for a neighbour, even though they know i'm not medically qualified with animals they still ask so i oblige, especially for elderly people as their pets are their only companion if they live alone. The latest was an elderly dog who kept trying to chew something in his empty mouth, i opened his mouth and saw straight away the little fella had a piece of biscuit jammed in a gap between 2 teeth, he had been trying to dislodge it himself, it was still hard as his saliva hadn't softened it, so i reached in with my little finger and pushed it out then removed it. The old lady was nearly crying with relief

I love German Shepherds, dad had 2 when we were growing up, gorgeous dogs with a lovely nature😍. Is that the eel that has no eyes? Mum mentioned that last night.
Yeah I love them too. This is the third GS we've had. First on was very fierce and we had to give him away. The second one is a total sweetheart but scares people to death with his huge fangs, lol. No one enters my garden without my allowing them in. Then he turns into man's best friend. I also had a black Lab - very friendly and would eat anything - used to steal chickens and packs of butter off the kitchen counters. Needless to say, he became quite fat.

Re the eel - I guess it is. They say it lives deep in the ocean which might account for the no eyes. Dark down there....
I had a Boxer that stole a cooked chicken from a neighbours kitchen, i blamed the neighbour for leaving it unattended in a kitchen with the door open! Haha. I did replace it though but not in time for their dinner that evening

Another time i was asked to look at a dogs paw, it was slightly bleeding and the dog wouldn't put any weight on it, i checked and saw one of his claws was missing, the fleshy part was bleeding, i mixed salt in warm water and had the dog step into it while i cleaned it up, then put one of my own trainer socks on his paw to keep it clean, the claw grew back and the dog bought me a box of chocs!

Another time i was asked to look at a dogs paw, it was slightly bleeding and the dog wouldn't put any weight on it, i checked and saw one of his claws was missing, the fleshy part was bleeding, i mixed salt in warm water and had the dog step into it while i cleaned it up, then put one of my own trainer socks on his paw to keep it clean, the claw grew back and the dog bought me a box of chocs!
Hate to be the one to point this out Flossie - but from reading this thread I think there's a chance he actually might have stolen them

Another time i was asked to look at a dogs paw, it was slightly bleeding and the dog wouldn't put any weight on it, i checked and saw one of his claws was missing, the fleshy part was bleeding, i mixed salt in warm water and had the dog step into it while i cleaned it up, then put one of my own trainer socks on his paw to keep it clean, the claw grew back and the dog bought me a box of chocs!
Hate to be the one to point this out Flossie - but from reading this thread I think there's a chance he actually might have stolen them
Haha! 😆 maybe so, the little sweetheart kept my sock too!!

I love reading all these posts, i love animals, and although i don't like spiders or bugs they are all gods creatures and deserve to live. We have Dragon Flies here, or as kids call them Daddy Long Legs, i used to be terrified of them as a child cos they make a scratching sound as they skim the wall when they fly, but now when i have one at home it can stay until it flies away through my open window

I had a Boxer that stole a cooked chicken from a neighbours kitchen, i blamed the neighbour for leaving it unattended in a kitchen with the door open! Haha. I did replace it though but not in time for their dinner that evening
What my Lab stole was actually that night's dinner - a whole chicken I'd just roasted. The guilty look on his face upon discovery was priceless....

There was a spider in my bedroom recently, it was sat on top of freshly ironed clothes, i'd never harm them but i am scared of them and i wouldn't retrieve my ironed clothes until i knew it had moved on, about 6 hours later! 😆
It's easy to catch a spider & put it outside. I do it all the time. Take a small glass & a piece of paper towel. Quickly & gently scoop up the spider & cover it. Take outside & release. Spider bites are painful; otherwise I would leave them inside.

I used to live in Cheshire with my husband, it's all countryside and farms. One day a field mouse ran across our kitchen floor, tiny little thing it was
Earlier this month my cats found a tiny mouse in the house, which they were batting around. Easily caught it & put it outside.

I've picked a little girl☺ i was thining of calling her Jasmine, mum was thinking of Lulu, so we gotta decide before we pick her up.
I was going to name my 2nd cat Lulu, but it kept morphing into Lobby Loo so that's what she became.

I love reading all these posts, i love animals, and although i don't like spiders or bugs they are all gods creatures and deserve to live.
Amen to that. LOVE this thread.

Husband always says that if there is something outside that needs rescuing that I will find it. Or it will find me. Unfortunately, though I pray to Jesus that he will lead me to animals in need, I did not find the kitten in time who was killed on my street.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I financially support several shelters/rescue organizations & this is one of my favorites. Elephants are so endangered & they are one of my favorite animals. How anyone can hurt an elephant is beyond my comprehension.


There was a spider in my bedroom recently, it was sat on top of freshly ironed clothes, i'd never harm them but i am scared of them and i wouldn't retrieve my ironed clothes until i knew it had moved on, about 6 hours later! 😆
It's easy to catch a spider & put it outside. I do it all the time. Take a small glass & a piece of paper towel. Quickly & gently scoop up the spider & cover it. Take outside & release. Spider bites are painful; otherwise I would leave them inside.

I used to live in Cheshire with my husband, it's all countryside and farms. One day a field mouse ran across our kitchen floor, tiny little thing it was
Earlier this month my cats found a tiny mouse in the house, which they were batting around. Easily caught it & put it outside.

I've picked a little girl☺ i was thining of calling her Jasmine, mum was thinking of Lulu, so we gotta decide before we pick her up.
I was going to name my 2nd cat Lulu, but it kept morphing into Lobby Loo so that's what she became.

I love reading all these posts, i love animals, and although i don't like spiders or bugs they are all gods creatures and deserve to live.
Amen to that. LOVE this thread.

Husband always says that if there is something outside that needs rescuing that I will find it. Or it will find me. Unfortunately, though I pray to Jesus that he will lead me to animals in need, I did not find the kitten in time who was killed on my street.
I felt for you when you told us about the kitten, it was heartbreaking.

I financially support several shelters/rescue organizations & this is one of my favorites. Elephants are so endangered & they are one of my favorite animals. How anyone can hurt an elephant is beyond my comprehension.

Elephants are beautiful creatures, they have a kind of smiley face, a bit like a dolphin, always seem to smile, or maybe i'm imagining it.

I had a Boxer that stole a cooked chicken from a neighbours kitchen, i blamed the neighbour for leaving it unattended in a kitchen with the door open! Haha. I did replace it though but not in time for their dinner that evening
What my Lab stole was actually that night's dinner - a whole chicken I'd just roasted. The guilty look on his face upon discovery was priceless....
Haha! 😆 i've seen that guilty look so many times! 'it wasn't me mum'!! 🐶

There was a spider in my bedroom recently, it was sat on top of freshly ironed clothes, i'd never harm them but i am scared of them and i wouldn't retrieve my ironed clothes until i knew it had moved on, about 6 hours later! 😆
It's easy to catch a spider & put it outside. I do it all the time. Take a small glass & a piece of paper towel. Quickly & gently scoop up the spider & cover it. Take outside & release. Spider bites are painful; otherwise I would leave them inside.

I used to live in Cheshire with my husband, it's all countryside and farms. One day a field mouse ran across our kitchen floor, tiny little thing it was
Earlier this month my cats found a tiny mouse in the house, which they were batting around. Easily caught it & put it outside.

I've picked a little girl☺ i was thining of calling her Jasmine, mum was thinking of Lulu, so we gotta decide before we pick her up.
I was going to name my 2nd cat Lulu, but it kept morphing into Lobby Loo so that's what she became.

I love reading all these posts, i love animals, and although i don't like spiders or bugs they are all gods creatures and deserve to live.
Amen to that. LOVE this thread.

Husband always says that if there is something outside that needs rescuing that I will find it. Or it will find me. Unfortunately, though I pray to Jesus that he will lead me to animals in need, I did not find the kitten in time who was killed on my street.
I normally let the spider find its own way out, but then i lie awake wondering where it is. Post anything you like here, there's no rules, it's a thread for all animal lovers

Trouble with a capital "T"
... Post anything you like here, there's no rules, it's a thread for all animal lovers
OK, but don't kick me out of the club I just killed some yellow jackets (wasp). They were starting to build a nest under the eve of my house. They are way to dangerous when they make a nest the size of a football and sting in mass, to let be. Indeed I got stung. Ouch....

I financially support several shelters/rescue organizations & this is one of my favorites. Elephants are so endangered & they are one of my favorite animals. How anyone can hurt an elephant is beyond my comprehension.

They're anything but cute. On a safari in Africa they were the animals that scared me the most -- they are beyond HUGE. We came upon a small herd where one of the males had a gored shoulder. It looked swollen and infected. Sadly, the rangers said he would eventually die -- they don't interfere with wounded animals -- they neither kill nor help them, just let nature take it's course. It was a wonderful experience though to see the animals in their natural habitat. Put me off zoos for life.

... Post anything you like here, there's no rules, it's a thread for all animal lovers
OK, but don't kick me out of the club I just killed some yellow jackets (wasp). They were starting to build a nest under the eve of my house. They are way to dangerous when they make a nest the size of a football and sting in mass, to let be. Indeed I got stung. Ouch....
Never heard them called yellow jackets before! I've been stung on my chin by a bee, as i looked down to see what it was it then went down my top😳

Never heard them called yellow jackets before! I've been stung on my chin by a bee, as i looked down to see what it was it then went down my top😳
What do you guys do with mosquitoes? Blow them gently away? What about fleas? Cockroaches? Head lice? As far as I'm concerned, insects aren't animals. Anything that has the temerity to think it can share my house or take a bite out of me, gets blown away asap. That includes rats...yuck!