Movie Tab II


My current favorite from movies released in 2012 (in any country, as there are some movies that haven't been released in the US in 2012 that I have watched) is Tarantino's Django Unchained. I haven't watched all the major hollywood movies from 2012 yet.

Safe House (Daniel Espinosa, 2012)
Aliens (James Cameron, 1986)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin, 2012)
Imitation of Life (Douglas Sirk, 1959)
Colours (Dennis Hopper, 1988)
Boyz n the Hood (John Singleton, 1991)

The Thin Red Line (1998, Malick)

Three Colors: White (1993, Kieslowski)

Three Colors: Red (1994, Kieslowski)

The Conformist (1970, Bertolucci)

Werckmeister Harmonies (2000, Tarr)
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Just a few I've seen lately.

Fight Club[/size], (Fincher, '99)

-Really nothing more to say, just fantastic on all levels. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt contrast each other well in the beginning and I love every moment of this film. The ending is just fantastic how it all works together.

The People Vs. Larry Flynt, (Forman, '96)

-A very, well, weird movie. I did not enjoy Larry Flynt much, especially the random outbursts he does. I do however, do like what he has done for the press in general, and he has contributed to society, even if he is a self-proclaimed scum bag. Edward Norton felt underused also, Courtney Love did surprisingly well.

Choke, (Gregg, '08)

-Another movie based on a Chuck Palahniuk novel. The man creates some great stories, and this movie is highly under-rated and not buzzed about often. It's enjoyable and the twists are cool, it's not Fight Club good, but if you ever find it, it's worth your time.

American History X (Kaye, '98)

-Brutal. Just, brutal. However, did not like it as much as I used to, still a genius movie, but Edward Furlong's performance annoyed me, and the ending is still just comes out of nowhere.

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (Geda, '00)

-Ahh nostalgia. Finally watched the "unrated" version, after watching the semi-trimmed up version I grew up with while growing up. Mark Hamill's voice man, that messes with me at night. The story is pretty good, still am not a huge fan of the ending, but it is a fun movie and you should check it out.

Thank You for Smoking. (Reitman, '05)

-Aaron Eckhart runs this movie, and it's just a great comedy. I love the character of Nick Naylor, and this movie is definitely worth watching for all the great characters it produces.

The Dark Knight Rises. (Nolan, '12)

-Honestly just not a huge fan. Too many plot holes, and it just gets too ridiculous to be taken as "this is somewhat feasible." Was not a huge fan of Bane's voice, Anne Hathaway is still ridiculously good looking though. Fun movie, just night Dark Knight good.

The Dark Knight (Nolan, '08)

-Sheer comic book movie perfection. Nothing can be said that hasn't been already said.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
This week in movies:
Marathon Man


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Dog Day Afternoon

Officer Down

Dead Alive

The Wicker Man ('73)


An American Werewolf in London

Broken City

Attack The Block

Barrio Tales

The Liability




Road To Perdition

Gone Baby Gone

Tales from the Crypt

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Is that the original Solaris or the remake?
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

I'll link to the ones I've reviewed, some place or another (most of them). The rest I really have nothing to say about.

Mission Impossible
Chimes at Midnight

Nothing About Nothing (shortfilm)

Leon: The Professional

Oktapodie (shortfilm)

Blow Out
Return of The Killer Tomatoes!

The Thing (1982)
Sans Soleil

Harvie Krumpet (shortfilm)

The Untouchables

Sisters (1973)
La Jetee

I actually will be watching the original Solaris, I'll try to put a review up tomorrow.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Movies I watched over the last week or so:


That's My Boy
(Adam Sandler best movie in years!)
The Life of Oharu

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Last Year in Marienbad
(Sorry folks, I found this movie to be really hard to watch and it left me with a headache)
Castle in the Sky
(Miyazaki is Miyazaki)
La Jetee

Chimes at Midnight
(difficult language in the dialogue made it a hard but rewarding film)
Annie Hall
{that's right people, I had never watched a Woody Allen movie)

*The Blair Witch Project (Myrick & Sanchez, 1999)
*The Man Who Sleeps (Queysanne, 1974)

Taste of Cherry (Kiarostami, 1997)

Serpico (Lumet, 1973)

Daisies (Chytilova, 1966)

The Strangers (Bertino, 2008)

Ashes and Diamonds (Wajda, 1958)

* - Rewatches

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Just Write (Andrew Gallerani, 2008)
For All Mankind (Al Reinert, 1989)
2010 (Peter Hyams, 1984)
Forbidden Planet (Fred McLeod Wilcox, 1956)

20 Million Miles to Earth (Nathan Juran, 1957)

Night Court (W. S. Van Dyke, 1932)
Eskimo (W. S. Van Dyke, 1933)

Suburban Girl (Marc Klein, 2007)

The Black Hole Gary Nelson, 1979)

World on a Wire (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1973)

Compulsion (Richard Fleischer, 1959)

Ruby Gentry (King Vidor, 1952)

Take the High Ground (Richard Brooks, 1953(

The Hanging Tree (Delmer Daves, 1959)

Spring Forward (Tom Gilroy, 1999)

The Man From London (Bela Tarr, 2007)

Gypsy (Mervyn LeRoy, 1962)
L’Amore (Roberto Rossellini, 1948)

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (John Sturges, 1957]
Dirty Larry Crazy Mary (John Hough, 1974)

Rio Conchos (Gordon Douglas, 1964)

Solaris (1972)

Solaris is my introduction to Tarkovsky and it is absolutely everything I expected. Remarkable visuals, stunning atmosphere, and overly elongated as a film. But let me start off with the visual aspects, in the opening scene Kris is standing over a puddle, with wild surroundings, I could smell the fresh air. The film transfers from black and white to color, much like Von Trier did twenty years later in Europa. The scene that expresses this technique the best, is the freeway scene. The scene has little going on, but is hypnotic and the whole film feels narcotic in a sense. The film itself is deeply philosophical, bringing in ideas of Tolstoy and asks questions of the meaning of life. When this is asked the answer I took from it is, the happiest are those who don't ask these questions. I'm still pondering if I agree with this statement. The film runs for almost three hours, but personally I think it's more entertaining than a film like The Expendables. But I'm not saying it was a breeze to sit through. The full run time was not necessary, many scenes such as the tape being shown at the beginning could've been slimmed. I found part one more moving than the second, and I'm not exactly sure why Tarkovsky found the need to separate the two. The far ending was thought provoking, but I actually found the last fifteen minutes to be the droopiest of them all. This could possibly be because I was worn out by the previous 150 minutes. Solaris was visionary and creative, and while it's no 2001: A Space Odyssey, it is a strong psychological sci-fi, that makes me want to explore more from the Soviet director.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You convinced me to that popcorn rating. I sharpened my ratings as well.

Fargo -

Oslo, 31. august -

Tabu -
(I know I gave it 9 in another thread, but currently I am rating films on 2 sites and do it differently on each one*)
Beasts of the Southern Wild -

Loong Boonmee raleuk chat - don't know how to rate it
M -

Double Indemnity -

The Hole -

* Alright, 4 sites, but nevermind.
** Oh, and on the second site there's only one movie I rated
. You wouldn't guess which one.
is for movies I rated 10/10 on the other site. As complicated as that.

Last Year in Marienbad
(Sorry folks, I found this movie to be really hard to watch and it left me with a headache)
Heresy! I found it pretty hard to watch the first time and I didn't really know what to make of it either, but the second time around I wasn't so blindsided by it. It has an overwhelmingly dreamlike atmosphere, and it is an exploration of memory, so I think it's supposed to give you a headache.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock