Movie You're Watching Tonight


Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013)

CGI Japanese animation, like the Muricans, they are starting to abandon the correct way of doing animation! With this one my anime film count reaches 430 (counting miniseries).

Just took a peak. It's not in his top 100. I was wondering because I don't see him enjoying that either.
I'll edit that post, I could've sworn I got that rec from him.

You may well have. I don't just recommend films I like. If I think someone else will like something or that it's worth seeing, I'll recommend that, too.

I don't just recommend films I like.
You recommended 2 films to me.. and you didnt like them? Isnt that the point of recommending.. is because you liked it... and thought the other person would as well?

I think if you know about a film but haven't seen it, I'm fine to recommend it. Usually I only put those on lists, rather than specific recommendations.