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Well Leviticus, that's exactly what you sound like. I thought there might be a small chance of some interesting conversation, but since you denigrate people you don't even know just because who they are makes you feel uncomfortable,
Yeah, just because I kill people doesn't make me a bad guy.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Yeah, just because I kill people doesn't make me a bad guy.
I'm talking about his views on gays, not killers/thieves obviously. Or at least I thought it was obvious.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…

Guardians is the greatest comic movie of them all. It makes me feel great to know that I am I right. Being the excellent critic of cinema that I am, I often remain demure when a dissenting opinion is offered.

Not only does this movie tell me how great I am, now Steven Spielberg has lent some unneeded credence to my excellence.

"I really like Richard Donner's Superman, Nolan's Dark Knight and the first Iron Man movie, but the superhero movie that most impressed me is one that does not take itself too seriously: Guardians of the Galaxy. When it ended, I left the cinema with the feeling that I had just experienced something new, free of cynicism and without concern for being gritty when necessary."

Yeah he did!

Unless you're a killer, a theif, sexually immoral person, etc.? Not everything is acceptable in life. G-d doesn't like gays... Not many people do. What's normal to some is not normal to others. I hate to sound like a dick.

Like I said, I have a gay high end prostitute cousin. He's shallow and only cares about big dicks and money and yet he's looking for love at the same time. Good luck with that.
You don't sound like a dick, you ARE a dick. The way you're judging your cousin and every single gay person is despicable. If your G-d hates gays he can suck my dick. And who are you to say what is sexually immoral and what's not? What are you? The sex police?

Sounds to me like your friends are not really your friends. They are almost foreign to you just as the location, Russia, is. When in Russia do as the Russians do. You give in and drink and walk away and you feel that you're being followed. This indicates that this "foreign" thinking from your friend is still following you around.... Even though you may not like it and are trying to shake it.
Your dream interpreting sucks. I love my friends you bitch.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Why do you spell it "G-d?"
Because he's into Judaism now and Jews are very touchy about the “You shall not take His name in vain.” commandment. They would go to such extremes as to never spell "God" in full even if it's only on the Internet.

So, here you go. A valuable piece of information in this thread, for a change

Yours was closer to the truth.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
O, great Leviticus!

Please take me as your apprentice. I want to learn more about the wrongness of homosexuality, female G-d forms and satanic messages in films. Actually, there was another guy who seemed to be an expert on the last topic!

You really a disgusting, repugnant human being

You mentioned a lot of LGBT people are suicidal, well that's because of people like yourself. Who perpetuate archaic traditions and believe that your own selfish beliefs have jurisdiction over how other people live their lives. I contemplated and attempted suicide several times when I was younger because I was petrified about what people would think about me if they found out I was gay. None of them gave a *****, because it's none of their business, and contrary to your beliefs, I am in no way worse than a thief or murderer like you're trying to make out I am.

And the old testament is against sodomy as it is, not being gay itself. Sodomy isn't even restricted to homosexuals

Anyway, enjoy the acceptance and integration of gay rights that is continuing to develop around the world. It should be nice to know that the vast majority of the developed and civilised world so strongly disagree with your ignorant ways.
LGBT are suicidal because of "people" like me? What... You mean normal people? Get real... There's probably less than 10% of the whole population that's gay and you're saying I'm the dumb ignorant arsehole?

Gay's are suicidal because of me eh? And I'm sure Hitler committed suicide because the jews were being mean to him for killing so much of them. Why don't you face the facts.... Penis's were meant for vaginas. It's for "creation". When you put a dildo or dick up someones butt you get "nothing". Don't blame gay suicidal **** on me, the majority of the population.

The bible is a lot older than you... People have been following it for at least 2000 years... You are but a speck in this lifetime and yet you think you're civilized?

Oh great... Now the lgbt movement is becoming so mainstream. I can't wait for effeminate men parading their sassy good for nothing mall rat fashion garbage in the street. I'm sure we're going to get invaded by a nation that hates gays or see's america as a joke run by girly men.

This is who you worship by the way....?

What you sound like is a hypocrite, a bigot, and a misogynist.
Your so called merciful god is anything but.

Not every non-heterosexual is like your high end prostitute cousin. (Though for the record, I personally see nothing wrong with sex work, provided that it is totally voluntary and doesn't involve violence and coercion.)

Most are very normal people who live normal lives. Many of them find love and have stable, healthy relationships. Suicide rates are high among LGBT individuals not because they're LGBT, but because of the way others treat them.

And exactly what is "sexually immoral" about anything that happens between consenting adults? Don't give me some BS about the Bible calling homosexuality an abomination. I want a reasoned explanation in your own words.
Therein lies your problem vicky. You are heathen pagan that gives into natural desires. You promote prostitution and encourage others to also. Sex work? Don't make me laugh. Being a hoe in the street is not work.... Having sex is not work. It's what lazy good for nothing people do for money. Anyone can put a dick in a vagina get reall..... You really think there's love in marrying someone who ****s everyone? Wow you're delusional....

Well Leviticus, that's exactly what you sound like. I thought there might be a small chance of some interesting conversation, but since you denigrate people you don't even know just because who they are makes you feel uncomfortable, I can't see that there is any point in further discourse.
In reality, I feel sorry for you. You don't seem to see the good in people, or the wonder in the world.
Wonder in the world? All I see is people out in the streets begging for money while others pass them by not giving a ****.

All I see is oppression in the work place. All I see are high cost of living. All I see are people showing off their toys and no one really cares. Oh but that's not even the 3rd world countries..... Where murder and communism is rampant.... You must be living the american "dream".